Questions tagged [adverbs]

副詞. Words that typically modify 用言 (words that inflect and function as predicators, such as verbs and adjectives). However, 副詞 also modify other constituents, including other adverbs, nouns (under limited circumstances), and even entire sentences.

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"時のように" versus "ように"

佐々:「それなら、もう一つお前に聞くが、お前の願いを聞いてやったら、お前たちはすぐに殺される。父の顔を見ることはできないが、それでもいいか。」 いち:「それで、結構でございます。」 いちは、冷たく静かに答えたが、何か心に浮かんだらしく、すぐその後に いち:「『お上』のなさることに間違いはございませんでしょうから。」 佐々は突然冷たい水を浴びせられた時のように、驚いた顔をした。 This ...
chika's user avatar
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A bit confused with と in ひょっこりと

彼女は今になって到着し、廊下からひょっこりと顔を出す。 This と looks like it comes from the word behind, so ひょっこり but when looking at a dictionary I found that ひょっこり is not an adjective which can take と. Why is と placed after ...
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Can 若干 (Jakkan) be used as a substitute for 少し?

As I understand it 若干 means 'some'. Can it be used the to substitute 少し when not talking about the specific quantity of more or less but using it as a vague descriptor like 'some'? 若干問題があった vs ...
shoryuu's user avatar
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Is に forming an adverb in the following sentence? Or is it just a preposition?

Context: a person is describing the punches of a boxer. 顔面ノーガードにスウェーから変則的な角度とリズムで放たれる拳。 Is に making an adverb of 顔面ノーガード? Or does it indicates that the boxer is throwing a punch to an opponent ...
Marco's user avatar
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How to say "many" in "There are many wheat fields" in Japanese? (たくさん or いっぱい?)

I am writing a short descriptive text and I would like to write "There are many wheat fields". Is it better to say 「たくさんの麦畑があります。」or 「麦畑がいっぱいあります。」?
Alexandra's user avatar
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Meaning of 果たして?

果たして、遺産を独り占めするためだけに、それだけのことを兄さんがやってのけるのか、わしも確信は持てん。 I'll translate it roughly as "I don't think he will go that far just to have the inheritance for himself." However, I don't understand the 果たして ...
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Reduplication and words form

Does 態々 derived from 態と? And does 態と derived from waza 「業 」and case-marking particle 「と」?
user25631's user avatar
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Does 多分 carry a degree of certainty equal to or greater than 50%?

Purely speculating from the kanji, one could quite naturally think that 多分, being "many parts", could lean towards a likelihood greater than 50% that something will happen. I always thought as 多分 ...
Tommy's user avatar
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ではなく(て) with Adjectives/Adverbs

From this question I found the following sentence: 彼は壁を赤くではなく青く塗った I was wondering specifically about 赤く+ではなく. Does ではなく just attach regardless? The question described ではなくas だ+は+ない using their ...
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How do you say "a little like..."

If I wanted to say something like "He looks like his brother," I might say 「彼はお兄さんみたいです。」or 「彼はお兄さんのようです。」 But what if I wanted to say that he looks "a little" like his brother? Would I simply add a ...
lightweaver's user avatar
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Questions about 話 and <副動詞>の

The following exchange occurs in Volume 3, Chapter 51 of the manga ReLife. The sequence of events is: A girl told a guy that she saw him a year or two ago and it was love at first sight. She ...
G-Cam's user avatar
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the different adverbia between 'mousugu', 'mamonaku', and sorosoro

What is the difference in meaning between "mousugu", "mamonaku", and "sorosoro"? According to what I found, in English they all mean "soon"?
user25388's user avatar
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The meaning of やっと

I read in some sentences やっと has several meanings like 'finally, & just'. I'm curious about the differences between them. Because when I substitute the sentence that have 'finally' meaning with '...
yurinda's user avatar
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Confusion about usage of ordinal numbers

I came across this sentence: 船に乗るのは二回目だ It was an example sentence in a Japanese children's book for learning Kanji, so there's not any context. Because of 目 I took it to mean "this is the second ...
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Are both 遠く and 遠くに adverbs? If yes, are them interchangeable?

The i-adjective 遠{とお}い means far, distant. From what I know, I can make an adverb out of an i-adjective by replacing い with く, which should give me 遠く. Now, the word 遠く is also a noun itself, which ...
Pedro A's user avatar
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I don't understand the meaning of しばらく in this sentence

I was reading a story and I found this sentence (in the previous part of the text the author wrote that a taxi driver had found someone and he had picked him up): ところが、しばらく走っているうちに、車の中がなんとなく寒くなってきた。 ...
Alexandra's user avatar
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The adverb 冷たく in そしてその後部座席は水に冷たく濡れていたのである

そしてその後部座席は水に冷たく濡れていたのである。 I was reading a story when I found this sentence. Why did the author use the adverb 冷たく? When I translate can I just skip it?
Alexandra's user avatar
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is 丁度 only a suffix?

三時ちょうどで = at 3 o'clock sharp 百円ちょうどだ = its exactly 100 yen I get this sort of usage for 丁度、but if I want to refer to the exactness of something, how would I do that? eg. 丁度じゃなくてもいいですよ Its fine if ...
Joel's user avatar
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difference between しきりに or しきりと?

While looking up the meaning of 頻繁{ひんぱん}, I happened to notice that one of the definitions quoted by デジタル大辞泉 states: しきりに行われること However, there's also an entry for しきりと (same しきり as the first, I ...
rurouniwallace's user avatar
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Difference between すぐに and すぐさま

Can anyone please tell me the exact difference between すぐに and すぐさま?
laser2302's user avatar
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Is there a universal (regardless of the context) way to say "already"?

JMDict lists several words for already marked as common: もう 既に 最早 早 先刻 疾っくに 兼ねて Is there any difference between all these "already" words, and is there among them a "universal" ...
user1602's user avatar
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What is the differences between とうとう and ついに? ついに、とうとう違う [duplicate]

I was reading from japanese language forum to find the differences between とうとうandついに They give this examples: とうとう誰も来なかった。 ついに誰も来なかった。 Both とうとうand ついにcan be used in that sentence, but the forum ...
yurinda's user avatar
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Do the adverbial forms of verbs and nouns exist?

I know there are adverbial forms of: adjectives (Adj), 形容詞{けいようし} (連用形{れんようけい} - 早い→早く); adjectival nouns (AdjN), 形容動詞{けいようどうし} (連用形{れんようけい} - 上手だ→上手に). Are there adverbial forms of nouns (名詞{...
fill0llif's user avatar
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Can the declarative of だ、です、etc, be used with adverbs?

Can you use adverbs with declarative clauses? You know, when you complete a clause with い-adjective or a noun and だ、or です particle? Can they take adverbs? Examples: 彼がとても元気ですね? (He's quite lively, ...
Tirous's user avatar
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On なる and Adverbs

I'm a beginner learner, just learnt about なる and I'm curious about なる vs other verbs when it comes to adverbs. When using an adverb like 早く on a verb, it modifies the action or manner of the verb. ...
typoerrpr's user avatar
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What is the difference between 常に、いつも、始終、しょっちゅう?

What is the difference between 常に、いつも、始終、しょっちゅう? Is it hard to know their differences? Is there any words that also have the same meaning?
yurinda's user avatar
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What does どれも mean in this particular context?

I'm reading a novel and I'm wondering what どれも means in this context -- 椿台には、そこに住まう民が生前崇めていた神仏を祀った神殿がいくつも建てられているが、どれも現世での信仰を持ちこんだものであった。 For context; 椿台 is a place in the afterlife in this story, ...
pinyoto's user avatar
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Meaning of 素直に甘える in the following sentence

Context: a person is trying to convince another that having other people worry about you is a good thing. 『心配』って『勝手にさせておけばいい』ものらしいよ。してくれる人がいる時はただ素直に甘えちゃえばいいんだって。 My attempt: "Worrying" is like "...
Marco's user avatar
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What's the difference between 「ゆっくりと...」and 「ゆっくりとして...」?

Is there any difference in meaning? When would you use 「~として」 instead of 「~と」? I have already looked here for usage regarding「~と」.
Herb's user avatar
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What kind of words can be used with とうとう、ついに、やっと、ようやく、いよいよ?

I'm currently studying more about とうとう、やっと、ついに、ようやく。Beside the same meaning 'finally', how about kind of words that can be used together with them? How about their structure? Like ます形、る形、られる、い形容詞、...
yurinda's user avatar
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Turning ~たい into an adverb (~たく)

It's possible to turn a verb into an adjective meaning 'want to...' したい, 食べたい or 飲みたい, but is there any situation where it makes sense to conjugate it as an adverb for words other than ~たくない? For ...
Teco's user avatar
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What is the difference between 「なく」 and 「なしに」?

I know there is an adjective 「関係ない」 which is basically a noun + ない, but I recently came across 「なしに」 in this sentence : 準備なしに発表した。 And I noticed that the に in なしに was making it act like an adverb. ...
Tchang's user avatar
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Word order and emphasis with たくさん

Genki (second edition) gives the following example sentences using たくさん, but doesn't explain any distinction regarding word order: 私は京都で {写真をたくさん / たくさん写真を} 撮りました。 I took many pictures in Kyoto. and ...
stands2reason's user avatar
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Meaning and usage of やっぱり (矢っ張り)

I got "As expected" is the meaning of this word from Google Translate (is it correct?) and I guess this word is used in casual conversation (what is the polite version?). I would like to know it's ...
MD TAREQ HASSAN's user avatar
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Difference between 普段 and 通常

What are the differences in use between 普段{ふだん} and 通常{つうじょう}? I'd written カラオケもですね?通常どんな曲{きょく}を歌{うた}いますか? which was then corrected to カラオケもですね?普段どんな曲を歌いますか? What is the general ...
Ontic's user avatar
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What is the meaning of ついクセ in this sentence?

I cannot find a translation of the word (or phrase) ついクセ in the following sentence. 引越してきてからも ついクセで 東京のぶんの天気予報まで見てしまいます My best guess would be that つい comes from 付く and クセ is 癖 so that the word ...
chinpunkanpun's user avatar
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Grammar explanation of ほおっておいて

In the Waeijiro databese I found the sentence ほおっておいて. It is translated as "Let it be", but I don't understand its grammar. I get that おいて comes from 置く, but where does ほおって come from? Is it an adverb ...
Marco's user avatar
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Is に optional in this sentence?

In this sentence: わたしは、ほぼほぼ計画通りに過ごすことができた一年でした。 Does the に particle make "計画通り" an adverb?
Jon's user avatar
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Proper translation for 忘れやすく動きに時間がかかる

I am trying to translate the following. 頭で覚えたことは、忘れやすく動きに時間がかかるという特徴があります。 The part that confuses me is 忘れやすく動きに時間がかかる If 動き means "activity" then 動きに時間がかかる means roughly "it takes time for ...
Display Name's user avatar
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What does adding と after an adverb do? [duplicate]

For example, what is the difference between ゆっくり and ゆっくりと?
nehry's user avatar
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Does もっと act on nouns or predicates or both?

もっと本を読みなさい Read more books もっと対策をだれか考えてよ Someone think of some more countermeasures When I first learnt もっと it was in the context of modifying a predicate e.g. もっと速く = faster. So in the ...
user3856370's user avatar
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必ずしも within this sentence

I was learning about 限らない and encounter this particular sentence. 社長の意見が必ずしも正しいとは限らない I'm pretty sure that the meaning would be "Manager's opinion is not always right" But if I check the ...
Alice28's user avatar
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Understanding what 逆に means in context with an emotion

I'm having trouble understanding exactly what this person is saying to me. The context being that I was asked a question by them, and after responding they said this: そうでしたか!それを聞けて逆に安心しました…!笑 I ...
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Is there a particular name for repeating-word adverb? [duplicate]

I wonder if there is any particular name for those repeating-word adverbs (such as すくすく or ころころ). It seems to me that there are quite a number of them and they seem somehow special.
Petch Puttichai's user avatar
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How to use だんだん properly?

If I wanted to say, "Ken's getting better and better at Japanese", then would this be correct? けんさんはだんだんじょうずになります。
On The Net Again's user avatar
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Meaning of 無難に行く

Context: the author is telling she cut her hair in a way she didn't like before an important event. Then she says this: 思い出に残る写真をいっぱい撮るんだから本当なら無難に行きたい所... それなのに何故!! I know 無難に means safely/without ...
Marco's user avatar
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What does よく mean in よく長時間働かせる?

Today I saw this sentence from this page: その部長は、よく長時間働かせる。 After chopping the sentence up, I found out that it means something around the lines of: That manager makes people work for very long ...
Sweeper's user avatar
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Is 遥か a special kind of adjective?

According to the dictionary, it's supposed to be a na-adjective, but it seems to be used somewhat commonly without the な particle, e.g. 遥か彼方 遥か氷原の彼方 遥か群衆を離れて I think I've seen a few more variations ...
Igor Skochinsky's user avatar
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What does 結構好きです mean?

What does 結構好き in このシチュエイションが結構好きです。 mean? Does it just mean "great"?
Uoa's user avatar
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Is there a difference between 突然に and 突然のことで?

Are 突然に and 突然のことで just different ways to say the same thing?
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