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Why use に instead of を in 彼に会います/連絡します

Please explain to me why に is used instead of を in these sentences 彼に会います 彼に連絡します Is that because 会います is a transitive verb? Please give me more detail.
Lemon Tolemonade's user avatar
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から vs. を in: あちらから出て or あちらを出て? 東から昇る or 東を昇る?

I've learned that when you want to express "to come out of something without obvious boundary" , it's better to replace を with から. For examples: あちらから出てきた人は誰ですか。 (を should not be used here, ...
Sheepeagle's user avatar
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What does it mean when the kana を is at the end of the sentence?

I have seen a couple of instances of を being used at the end of sentence. From my limited knowledge, を is supposed to be used to indicate the direct object of a verb, but I have seen it following a ...
sunwu's user avatar
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"を奪{うば}われた" used incorrectly instead of "が奪{うば}われた"? (Bleach) [duplicate]

In Bleach Sennen Kessen-hen (S01,E04), (slight spoilers) captains have an ability called Bankai. They thought that the enemy could seal this ability. But as KB realizes, the enemy actually steals this ...
chausies's user avatar
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Why is the particle を used without a verb in the following context? [duplicate]

First of all, this question shares the same context with another Q&A asking for the meaning of 手{て}かがり. What follows is an excerpt from N2新完全マスター, in particular the section 問題紹介 where they are ...
jarmanso7's user avatar
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What is the purpose of the particle に in the phrase 何歳にみえますか?

In the sentence この人たちは何歳にみえますか, I originally thought to use the particle を since it marks the thing getting "verbed" (and it seems like 何歳 is getting verbed), but に seemed possible as well, ...
Curulian's user avatar
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Strange Syntax with Missing Particles

In the FFX-2 song "Morning Glow," some of the lyrics seem to end abruptly with the を particle, and yet have the ending verbs that would come after it in front of the phrases. One example is ...
A.T.A.'s user avatar
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Particle usage of transitive verb in the passive form (~を占める → ~で占められている)

店内は、外見のぼろっちさと同じように、古めかしい洗濯機や乾燥機で占められていた。 Looking at some example sentences of 占める, it's almost always in the natural form and the particle を is used to describe the direct object, and the particle で ...
BIG-95's user avatar
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What is the grammar behind を being used in this sentence?

今のような学歴社会をいいことだとは思っていない日本人もたくさんいる。 What is the grammar behind を being used in this sentence?
K N's user avatar
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How acceptable is 英語を上手になりたい?

英語が上手になりたい is the correct way to say it, and I have always considered 英語を上手になりたい incorrect. I occasionally see/hear the を version from native speakers, but it didn't bother me that much, thinking that ...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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I'm confused about when to use で vs を in this sentence

I want to ask whether or not it is okay to use a pen. Should I use ボールペンでつかってもいいですか。 or ボールペンをつかってもいいですか。
RobbieeV's user avatar
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How is そこを used in this sentence?

I'm having a difficult time understanding why そこを is used in the following sentence. I don't think that を is marking a direct object, but it also doesn't seem to fit the usual 経過 or 起点 interpretations....
Buri's user avatar
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日本語は話せますか, 日本語が話せますか and 日本語を話せますか what's the difference?

日本語は話せますか 日本語が話せますか 日本語を話せますか What's the difference? Some people said it means the same thing, but when I googled it several people were saying several different things and I'm lost. I read that ...
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omitted particle を can make conditional?

The translator is a native speaker of Japanese. He translated the title 70億人の頭の上に風船を as, If I Could Put Balloons on 7 Billion People's Heads. However, another old translator who was removed for an ...
Star Peep's user avatar
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Why is there no を in 二人とも自分の話ばかりして?

I'm reading this story and am trying to understand the structure of this sentence: 二人{ふたり}とも自{じ}分{ぶん}の話{はなし}ばかりして、人{ひと}の話{はなし}を聞{き}きません。 In the second part, 話 is used with the direct object particle ...
joriki's user avatar
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Are で and に particles interchangeable when using them with 乗ります and 降ります verbs?

I'm reading a book that translates these two sentences as following: スミスさんは東京駅で電車に乗ります。-> Mr. Smith will get on the train at Tokyo Station. スミスさんは新宿駅で電車を降ります。-> Mr. Smith will get off the train ...
Martel's user avatar
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Why is を used instead of が in the following sentence ending in 名詞+だ?

I came across this sentence in my textbook: 日本人はなぜ欧米人を野蛮人だと思ったのでしょうか。 I would expect が or perhaps a contrastive は instead of を, but I can't understand why を is used given that in the clause ...
jarmanso7's user avatar
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(そして彼女は窓際の壁を背に床に座り込む) - What does 壁を背に床に座り込む mean? [duplicate]

そして彼女は窓際の壁を背に床に座り込む。 - And then she sat against the wall to the side of the window. Judging the meaning, I think I managed to grasp what it means but I'm confused about how this sentence works. I ...
339jff's user avatar
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Can ぐらい/くらい be combined with particles?

Can you say ぐらいも? (the emphatic も) like 5200円くらいも払ったのに ~ Or even を? or is it omitted? 山の大きさぐらいを食べ過ぎておなかが痛い
339jff's user avatar
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How is the use of を broken down in this sentence? [duplicate]

I've been reading a Visual Novel, and I came across this sentence: リリーはくすくす笑い、ティースプーンを置くと、カップとソーサーを手にゆっくりテーブルに向かってくる。 What's throwing me off is the use of を right after 「カップとソーサー~」I put the sentence ...
diegowrhasta's user avatar
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Why is が used instead of を in this sentence?

From Shin Kanzen Master JLPT N1 Grammar: あ、本が出しっぱなしだ。 I thought that 出す always follows を, i.e. you (subject) take out something (object). Is it because 本 is emphasized in this sentence, similar to how ...
xji's user avatar
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Direct object marked with a が? [duplicate]

I found the next sentence: 懐かしい。目を閉じれば、彼女との昔の事がまざまざと思い出せる It's marked with a が because of the adverb? Or is it something else?
Alejandro Núñez Valdés's user avatar
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Can the particle を work as から in certain situations?

I found the next sentence: 村を飛び出した Because of 飛び出す being an intransitive verb, then that を is not working as a direct object marker, right? Then can を work as a "substitute" for から in this ...
Alejandro Núñez Valdés's user avatar
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What does particle を mid sentence without a verb mean?

I'm reading a magazine article and I've come across a sentence that I'm not too sure about. そんな濃密な5年間を、記事担当のコラムを交えつつ振り返る。 I think the sentence means something like "These rich 5 years will be ...
Sophia's user avatar
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Should I use the particle に for 学校_行きます?

学校_行きます。 がっこう_いきます。 I assume that it does, because で or を doesn't really makes sense. Since で indicates that I'm going in school, and 学校 isn't really a direct object. Or is it?
user42275's user avatar
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Any differences between ~に志願する and ~を志願する?

I thought に was the universal particle with 志願, but I have seen を used quite commonly too and I wonder if there are some nuances in meaning. 死刑を志願した男 大学に志願する 大学を志願する 大学に入学を志願する. 軍隊に志願する 兵役を志願する ...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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What is the difference between 写真を撮る and 写真に撮る?

As I understood so far, 撮る is a transitive verb, so "to take a photograph" is 写真を撮る in Japanese. However, I've just come across a sentence in my textbook that uses the expression 写真に撮る, and I'm not ...
jarmanso7's user avatar
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When can を be replaced with に?

In these two sentences, I would've thought に would be used in place, but instead を is used? When is it appropriate to use either? A: 反対側【はんたいがわ】50メートルあたりを探【さが】して! Search around 50 metres on the ...
stickybarbie's user avatar
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Questions about a correction, nominalizing, and particles

I was practicing writing sentences and tried to write the following in Japanese: I heard he escaped from the island. I originally came up with 彼が島から逃げるのを聞いたそうです。 But then I was corrected by 2 ...
Tylersanzura's user avatar
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Help parsing a sentence with two を

Context: in the Dead Tube manga, a villain is talking about how she turned people into zombies by giving them a hallucinogenic drug and explains that they are "contagious". ...
Marco's user avatar
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What is the difference between を vs の in 何を勉強します and 何の勉強します?

What is the difference between を vs の in 何を勉強します and 何の勉強します ? I noticed in sentences both variants. And I wonder which of them more properly or in which case they are should be used? P.S.Neither ...
Ratbek's user avatar
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占める and particles

My book says that AはBの[割合]を占めている is a structure used to say A accounts for [fraction] of B So far, so good. But it also provides the following two alternative structures, which bother me: ...
Right leg's user avatar
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Is it possible to use the 〜たい form with the particle が instead of を? [duplicate]

For example, 寿司【すし】を食【た】べたい。 寿司【すし】が食【た】べたい。 If it is possible, then what is the difference in meaning or nuance? Thank you.
jarmanso7's user avatar
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The particle は before 押す [duplicate]

スイッチは押しましたか。 Can を be used in place of は here? (Have you pressed the switch? / Did you press the switch?) 押す is a transitive verb, so the use of は is confusing. Thank you for your help!
Enguroo's user avatar
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Will expression retain the same definition if particle is changed?

「ここにじっとしていてもしょうがない………か」 自分を奮い立たせるために、わざと自分の考えを声に出し行動を始めた。 I came across the expression 声を出す on I don't know if replacing the expression's を with に (because を is already used earlier in ...
Toyu_Frey's user avatar
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Changing を to は in negative statements

I've got confused and have a few questions: In some situations speaker is obligated to change the particle e.g. answering yes/no questions. Question: あなたはくじにひこうきにのりますか。(A) Answer: いいえ、わたしはくじ ...
Richard's user avatar
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Using the を particle correctly

Im reading up again on how particles should be used properly in Japanese. Writing this sentence: 「私の車を壊れてです。」I am trying to say, "my car is broken." Now, using the guide in the link given here it ...
Master Yoda's user avatar
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What is the function of を in this sentence? [duplicate]

彼は高齢を理由に社長を辞めたよ。 I found this example sentence in some core flashcards, and the translation says He gave up the company presidency due to age. Which makes sense to me, but I don't understand the ...
OKUMA's user avatar
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What's the difference between particle へ and を?

Whats the difference between these particles and these two sentences? 国へ帰ります 国を帰ります Don't they both mean "I return to the country"? or A. おかあさんはみせへいく。 B. おかあさんはみせをいく。 Are those both correct ways ...
Klaudia's user avatar
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Why there is a "を" in この素晴らしい世界に祝福を and not a "が"? [duplicate]

この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! is translated to English as "A blessing to this wonderful world!" . Why is there a "を" and not a "が" in this sentence? In Spanish (and I assume also in English) "a blessing" would be ...
Pablo's user avatar
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What is the difference between "を" and "は"? Can I say both "お茶を飲みます。" and "お茶は飲みます。"?

I'm aware that I can say "お茶を飲みます。" (with the particle "を") to convey the meaning "I drink tea." in the sense of indicating that an action is taking place. However, I'd like to know if I can also say ...
Patrick Dark's user avatar
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About を in 再稼働をてこに収益改善

Can anyone please tell me what does を in 再稼働をてこに収益改善 in the sentence below indicate? I know that を is followed by a verb, but how come in this case it's followed by a noun てこ? 広島高裁による四国電力伊方原発3号機(...
laser2302's user avatar
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が vs を and the absence of a subject particle

I just read an article explaining that が should not be thought of as a subject particle, since it can also mark the object, which is fine and dandy on its own. However, I also remember reading an ...
themathandlanguagetutor's user avatar
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Differing explanations of 〜ところを

My textbook has this example sentence: 試験中、となりの人の答えを見ているところを先生に注意された。 The interpretation of this sentence hinges around ところを, and I'm not 100% sure what that means. The textbook simply indicates ...
Nahcirn's user avatar
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I want to ... With you

I want to say "I want to watch a movie with you".. Can I say this? あなたと映画を見るつもりです
Anggie Ari Widhia's user avatar
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When using 比べる, should I use を or が for the object being compared?

I have seen sentences 1 and 4, but are sentences 2 and 3 grammatical? My question is regarding the use of を/が with the object being compared, in sentences with 比べる. 植物の世界にも(今年を)去年と比べて著しく相違が見えた。 ...
rhyaeris's user avatar
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Why is the particle を used in this sentence? [duplicate]

I found this example in a japanese textbook: 外を歩いている人はみんな傘をさしています: Everyone is using umbrellas outside. Why is を in that sentence?, and because it is a japanese textbook I doubt that it is ...
Luis Fernando Badel Méndez's user avatar
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How do we use に気をつける vs を気をつける?

に気をつける is a much more popular expression, from what I see, compared to を気をつける. But the latter is still not that rare. Is there any significant difference between these two and something to be wary of ...
tereya's user avatar
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why this sentence has this grammatical structure? 話し手も相手も共通に知っている場合

The phrase "話し手も相手も共通に知っている場合" was translated in this board as "When both the speaker and listener know the subject" I dont understand 2 things about this sentence. What's the use of ni in this ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Difference between the two "o" kana, and how to input them from romaji keyboard?

In Japanese, what is the difference between the two "o" kana (the お at the top of the list and the other "o" usually listed at the bottom rightmost entry of the hiragana our ...
Jack Maddington's user avatar