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How is the に particle used with a noun? にnounを?

In a novel I was reading I found this passage 右腕を抱き、ため息に体をしぼませた。 The context is not that complicate, as the character arrives in a new home and it's tired so he does this. What I'm confused, is ...
JBean's user avatar
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What does を前にした mean? Confused about this meaning

ずるい。。。恋人を前にした男って感じの接し方なのに The character is being with their friend and thinks this. I am not sure, what does "を前にした" mean? Is to take literal as "in front of"? a way of touching of ...
LionGate's user avatar
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Why is に used in 「楽しみにしています」instead of を

I know construct of を + する meaning to do something to an object, but i never heard of に + する. Why is it not 楽しみをしています. Meaning roughly "I'm doing some looking forward to"
Reiko's user avatar
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Why use に instead of を in 彼に会います/連絡します

Please explain to me why に is used instead of を in these sentences 彼に会います 彼に連絡します Is that because 会います is a transitive verb? Please give me more detail.
Lemon Tolemonade's user avatar
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Differentiating に訪れる vs. を訪れる

From the first episode of Death Note: しいて言えば そのノートを使った 人間にしか訪れない苦悩や恐怖 Question: Why is に here used instead of を? Or perhaps more simply, what is the difference between 人間に訪れる 人間を訪れる EDIT: Is に ...
George's user avatar
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Usage of に を (not を に)

俺に信頼しきった眼差しに子供時代を思い出す What exact function do に を serve here together? "His gaze full of trust toward me reminds me of my childhood"?
LionGate's user avatar
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What is the purpose of the particle に in the phrase 何歳にみえますか?

In the sentence この人たちは何歳にみえますか, I originally thought to use the particle を since it marks the thing getting "verbed" (and it seems like 何歳 is getting verbed), but に seemed possible as well, ...
Curulian's user avatar
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Whats the diffrence with に and を in this sentence?

I am having trouble understanding the use of に in this following sentence, and also if putting を instead of に would change the meaning of the sentence. 何に興味がありますか。
One Hour With Spoon's user avatar
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に and を being used for two different words but with the same verb (する)

I'm having some trouble understanding the meaning of phrases that uses two verb particles in two different words but with the same verb. Such as: 怠惰はあなたを不幸にする - Your laziness will make you unhappy. ...
Gabriel Costa's user avatar
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causative without に

I'm reading this story and am trying to understand the use of the causative in this sentence: あの人{ひと}のマントをどちらが早{はや}く脱{ぬ}がせることができると思{おも}う? According to textbooks and this answer, the "causee&...
joriki's user avatar
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Are で and に particles interchangeable when using them with 乗ります and 降ります verbs?

I'm reading a book that translates these two sentences as following: スミスさんは東京駅で電車に乗ります。-> Mr. Smith will get on the train at Tokyo Station. スミスさんは新宿駅で電車を降ります。-> Mr. Smith will get off the train ...
Martel's user avatar
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Difference between を and に for position (前を)?

~が前を歩いていました I read this answer but I feel like this case is different because 前 is not a place but a relative position. I'm used to seeing に used for position, for example when giving directions &...
Simon's user avatar
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(そして彼女は窓際の壁を背に床に座り込む) - What does 壁を背に床に座り込む mean? [duplicate]

そして彼女は窓際の壁を背に床に座り込む。 - And then she sat against the wall to the side of the window. Judging the meaning, I think I managed to grasp what it means but I'm confused about how this sentence works. I ...
339jff's user avatar
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に versus を with 会いました verb

I casually used を in the sentence クマを会いました。I was corrected with クマに会いました。Checking references and sample sentences I found no を examples. I think there is something fundamental about を and に that I do ...
guren's user avatar
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Is に acting like a を in this sentence?

私は、おまえに、殺されにきた I've seen this sentence for a while and the translation is something like "I'm going to kill you"(The context implies that too). But I don't understand why に (In bold) is ...
MoonLord's user avatar
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Should I use the particle に for 学校_行きます?

学校_行きます。 がっこう_いきます。 I assume that it does, because で or を doesn't really makes sense. Since で indicates that I'm going in school, and 学校 isn't really a direct object. Or is it?
user42275's user avatar
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Any differences between ~に志願する and ~を志願する?

I thought に was the universal particle with 志願, but I have seen を used quite commonly too and I wonder if there are some nuances in meaning. 死刑を志願した男 大学に志願する 大学を志願する 大学に入学を志願する. 軍隊に志願する 兵役を志願する ...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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Why を and not に in 今日は先輩に2回**を**注意されました。?

今日は先輩に2回を注意されました。 [today][by senpai][2 times were adviced/warned]??? does this make any sense? Shouldn't it be rather: 今日は先輩に2回に注意されました。 [today][by senpai][2 times (I/He/She..etc) were adviced/warned]?...
raruna's user avatar
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What is the difference between 写真を撮る and 写真に撮る?

As I understood so far, 撮る is a transitive verb, so "to take a photograph" is 写真を撮る in Japanese. However, I've just come across a sentence in my textbook that uses the expression 写真に撮る, and I'm not ...
jarmanso7's user avatar
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を-, と- and に-particle usage with 合わせる

Recently, I found out that 合わせる can go with many particles. Jisho gives here ( some examples on this: あなたの計画{けいかく} を 私{わたし} に 合わせなさい。...
Quit007's user avatar
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When can を be replaced with に?

In these two sentences, I would've thought に would be used in place, but instead を is used? When is it appropriate to use either? A: 反対側【はんたいがわ】50メートルあたりを探【さが】して! Search around 50 metres on the ...
stickybarbie's user avatar
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に vs. を in "to pass a test"

Every time I'm feeling confident about the correct usage of に, を, and で, I get thrown for a loop. Could someone please explain to me the use of に in this sentence: I will study a lot and pass the ...
イ リ ニ's user avatar
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占める and particles

My book says that AはBの[割合]を占めている is a structure used to say A accounts for [fraction] of B So far, so good. But it also provides the following two alternative structures, which bother me: ...
Right leg's user avatar
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Using もらう with に/を particle and passive/causative forms

I was learning passive and causative forms of Japanese coupled with もらう and particles, and got very confused. A couple of examples and what I think they mean: AさんはBさんを病院に送ってもらう - A received a favor ...
Newbie's user avatar
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Will expression retain the same definition if particle is changed?

「ここにじっとしていてもしょうがない………か」 自分を奮い立たせるために、わざと自分の考えを声に出し行動を始めた。 I came across the expression 声を出す on I don't know if replacing the expression's を with に (because を is already used earlier in ...
Toyu_Frey's user avatar
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The particle へ in 山へ面している

tl;dr: Should へ be replaced with に here? I was reading Imabi and found the following example: 小屋は山へ面している。 As far as I know, へ is used with motion verbs especially when transition from one (...
Vanzef's user avatar
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Nounに感じる vs. Nounを感じる

Can anyone explain me what are the differences between Nounに感じる and Nounを感じる. I currently understand Nounを感じる as "To feel Noun", but I don't know what's Nounに感じる. For an example: こんなにも近くに感じてる (It's ...
Kiw's user avatar
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Distinction of using を/に instead of が

さあ次もビーチバレーという名のウォッチング[に]勤しむぜ!- Ok, next, lets endeavor to watch beach volleyball ! それにしても、人間世界はじつに物[に]あふれておるな。- That being said, the world of humans is actually overflowing with things (this ...
charu's user avatar
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What is the function of を in this sentence? [duplicate]

彼は高齢を理由に社長を辞めたよ。 I found this example sentence in some core flashcards, and the translation says He gave up the company presidency due to age. Which makes sense to me, but I don't understand the ...
OKUMA's user avatar
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Other particles with も

Said at the start of the summer holidays: 「お役に立てて光栄です。丸尾スエオ二学期もがんばりますから、みなさんどうかよろしくいたします」 It's an honour to be helpful. Maruo Sueo will do his best in the second term too so thanks for your ...
user3856370's user avatar
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What's the difference between particle を and に when used for location

I've been learning about particles lately. As I'm still new to the language, I can't tell the difference between these two particles when used for locations for example: 街を歩く Does this mean walk ...
Hamzeh's user avatar
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What particle do I use for the one who received the favour in -てくれる?

In sentences with ~てくれる the one that do us a favour goes with は・が particle. Which particle do I have to use for the one who receives the favour? Can I use both に and を or only に? I've seen both. Is it ...
Yaoi purinsesu's user avatar
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How do we use に気をつける vs を気をつける?

に気をつける is a much more popular expression, from what I see, compared to を気をつける. But the latter is still not that rare. Is there any significant difference between these two and something to be wary of ...
tereya's user avatar
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why this sentence has this grammatical structure? 話し手も相手も共通に知っている場合

The phrase "話し手も相手も共通に知っている場合" was translated in this board as "When both the speaker and listener know the subject" I dont understand 2 things about this sentence. What's the use of ni in this ...
Pablo's user avatar
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How to parse 「Nを相手に、」 [duplicate]

I've gotten to the level where I can start going through some basic Japanese material and largely understand all of it, but there are some times where I'm confused by particle usage, and I'm not sure ...
Asprius's user avatar
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Causative form and willingness of the cast

According to "A dictionary of basic Japanese grammar" pg. 389 (on the choice between に and を particles with causative form) When ni is used, the causee has taken an action intentionally. I have ...
Tribski's user avatar
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家を出ます ? Why not に?

Why is this を and not に to indicate moving in a direction? 今日は天気がいいから家を出ます Unless this example is wrong? But it is from JapanesePod101
VictorySaber's user avatar
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Causative Form - Difference between 子供に本を読ませる and 子供を本を読ませる

What is the difference between these two examples? 子供に本を読ませる 子供を本を読ませる Please give me some other example to illustrate the difference.
Rubinoff's user avatar
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What's the difference between に and を in these phrases?

I found these two phrases: 彼らは熊を[触]{さわ}る。 彼らは熊に触る。 I don't see the difference between them, since both mean "touching a bear."
Jaume's user avatar
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Why are these particles used here?

The following sentence is from a blog called Nippon Talk: お湯{ゆ}を使{つか}える洗濯機{せんたくき}のパワーに感動{かんどう}した夫{おっと}は、沖縄{おきなわ}旅行{りょこう}から帰{かえ}るとすぐにその洗濯機{せんたくき}についての情報{じょうほう}を調{しら}べ始{はじ}めた。 I'm trying to pick ...
EtherealScribe's user avatar
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Does indirect passive allow for the を in "四方を海に囲まれる"

My textbook has this example: 四方を海に囲まれる。 Is it the indirect passive that allows for the を direct object marker to be used in that passive voice example? This sentence matches my understanding of ...
kairua's user avatar
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Use of the particle を/に indicating target of an action - animate vs inanimate?

Currently learning Japanese from Rosetta stone, and so far, whenever a verb is acting on something, I've always seen the particle を used - eg: 彼{かれ}は本{ほん}を読{よ}んでいます。 Now the program has thrown に ...
Greg's user avatar
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Do I say えいがにみました or えいがをみました ?

Do I say えいがにみました or えいがをみました?
anna's user avatar
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Is 感じる {かんじる} transitive or intransitive? Which particle to use?

Please consider 一段 {いちだん} verb 感じる {かんじる}. Sometimes I see particle に applied and sometimes particole を. In the vocabulary it is not specified if this verb is 他動詞 {たどうし} (transitive) or 自動詞 {...
Andry's user avatar
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understanding the grammar of "XをYに"

兄さんをエサにホムンクルスを引っ張り出します Is there an implied verb after に, or not? Is this sentence more along the lines of the situation when you have two verbs connected with the ~て form, or is it more along the ...
Axe's user avatar
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Use of に and を with 触れる

The verb 触れる challenges my concept of what を does; to mark a direct object. Consider these uses of 触れる: (人)の頬に指を触れる (Touch a finger to someone's cheek) (人)の頬に手を触れる (Touch someone's cheek with your ...
Flaw's user avatar
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