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Questions tagged [て-form]

テ形. A non-finite form of a verb or adjective primarily used to connect to a following predicate or subsidiary verb, with some secondary uses derived by ellipsis (e.g. of くれ or ください). In many cases it corresponds to English "and". Linguists often refer to it as the "gerund" form, and some have also called it the "gerundive" or "past participle" form.

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Meaning of て form here: 「あなたどう思って?」と聞いた。

From Kokoro chapter 19: 「あなたどう思って?」と聞いた。「私からああなったのか、それともあなたのいう人世観とか何とかいうものから、ああなったのか。隠さずいって頂戴」 I wonder why 思う is conjugated to て form here.
weeab00's user avatar
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Usage of てくる here?

キスマークなんてつけてくるもんだから あの頃と変わってないと思って心配してしたし The character saw his friends with some kiss marks on the neck at work and wondered if said friend fell for a bad person like in the past, however the friend ...
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Can て-form for consecutive actions be combined with the たい-form

I learned that you can connect a sequence of actions by using the て-form and only the last verb needs a "normal" form. So I sent this sentence to a friend: わたしも おきなわに いって、うみで およいで、さかなを ...
Dennix's user avatar
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Usage of こんなもんて in this sentence?

The context is the following: A streamed made use of a service but the service was ineffective and he's complain he wasted money. So I understand the last sentence is akin to "I paid a lot of ...
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whats does ては and みた mean in this sentence?

Context: A character is remembering a conversation he had with his father, and he then thinks: でかいこと言ってはみたものの、 I know that でかいこと言う means "say something big", but I don't know what ては means,...
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How is て行ってくれる used here?

せっかく来たんだし! しばらくのんびりして行ってくれるとうれしいな The character runs a hostel/hot spring and says this to his friend who came... I understand he's saying he wants the friend to relax, but what nuance does て行って give?
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てもいいもんだよね at the end of this sentence?

The character laying down is a horror writer who likes to visit spooky places. He asks his editor "which place would you like to visit?" and he's against it. 人の念が籠もる場所は何度行ってもいいもんだよ My ...
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Is 謀つて the same as 謀って?

The sentence is: 共に謀つて復讐せんと約する Am I correct to believe that this is the verb 謀つ (はかりごつ)followed by つ (て)but that since this is written sometime around 1933, the form has gone from 謀ちて to 謀つて ? Edit: ...
ロビン's user avatar
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Meaning of V + ての + noun

In かつて神だった獣たちへ volume 5 I found these sentences, speaking about bayonets: もちろん接近しなくては使いようもなく、ライフルの登場は歩兵同士が肉薄しての銃撃と突撃による戦術、つまり銃剣を過去の物にするはずだった 内戦末期、戦場に登場した回転式機関砲は十分な威力と連射速度を持っていたため、肉薄しての突撃を押さえ込まれ無力だった ...
Mauro's user avatar
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Meaning of 声にして

What does 声にして mean in this phrase? 声にして伝える にして is the te-form of にする, which means "to make, choose, or change into something." I heard にして can also work as a way to say "and" ...
A.T.A.'s user avatar
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の after て-form in 期待してのものだった [duplicate]

I'm wondering about this sentence from Spy x Family, episode 7 (around 50 seconds in). The main character is thinking about how to get closer to his target, Desmond, and is mulling over a recent ...
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Comparing みたいに and みたいな感じで

To preface, I understand that not every みたいな感じで is used adverbially like みたいに, because sometimes that で is the te-form: 素人みたいな感じで申し訳ないですが Sorry to sound like an amateur. (I sound like an amateur, (and ...
whatyouexpect's user avatar
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Parsing of 置いてあったってしょうがない

Harry Potter is surprised to see that he has Christmas presents: 「ねぇ、これ見てくれる? プレゼントがある」 Hey look at this. There are presents. 「ほかに何があるっていうの。大根なんて置いてあったってしょうがないだろ?」 What else should be there? You ...
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What does it mean if a sentence ends in て-form but it isn't a request [duplicate]

Full sentence: ジョギングをしてる時に足の筋を痛めちゃってさ。 The sentence ends with て but I don't understand what they want to achieve with that.
Celestial Dragon's user avatar
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(~ての + Noun) vs. (Attributive + Noun)

According to another post on the meaning of ~ての: 「Verb in [連用形]{れんようけい} + て + の + Noun」 is a phrase pattern in which the "Verb + て + の" part describes the condition that generates what is ...
George's user avatar
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What is となって doing in this sentence?

イナズマジャパンが世界一となって10年。 I am playing イナズマイレブンGO, and I ran into this line. From just the words, I am guessing it means something like "It has been 10 years since Inazuma Japan became number 1 in the ...
Jacques Martin's user avatar
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The nuance of て-form with 来る in the volitional form (こよう)

I've been watching からかい上手の高木さん and in episode 2 Takagi says this: 泳いでこよっかな For context this is the what she says right before this line: さてと西片のいい顔も見られたし I'm having trouble with analyzing the ...
Uri Greenberg's user avatar
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Why is ちゃう used in this sentence?

The character is meeting his friend's boyfriend and says this どんな子か気になっていたけれど、かおりの事本当に大好きなんだね Then he also thinks 守っちゃって可愛い My reading would be "his protectiveness (of her) is cute. But why is ...
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Does きれいにして have a difference nuance compared to きれいで here?

いつも洒落できれいにしてて品がある My understand is akin to "She's always fashionable,pretty and polished However, why is きれいにしてて here used over just きれい? What does different nuance does it provide?
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Use of te-form before なる [duplicate]

今こそマルフォイを一対一でやっつけるまたとないチャンスだ。逃してなるものか。 This was a unique chance to beat Malfoy one-on-one. How could he miss it. I don't understand the purpose of なる in 逃してなるものか. How is it different from 逃すものか? I ...
user3856370's user avatar
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Confusion with interpreting NHK title and subject scope when using て form

I read this article on NHK about Christmas cakes and it has this title: クリスマスのケーキ 卵の値段が上がって高くなりそう But I'm somewhat confused on how to properly interpret the title. I'm not sure what 高くなりそう (seems to ...
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Clarifications on using ていく with verbs - using 着る as example verb

I'm finding the application of ていく (and by extension てくる) difficult to understand, so I want to use an example with the verb 着る to ask some questions on it: If someone wore their jacket and left me (...
Cassius Bright's user avatar
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ending a sentence with て, is ておく implied?

部屋から出て行った。わめきたてるテレビをそのままにして。 I interpret this as [He] left the room, leaving the television blaring. Firstly (though not required for an accepted answer), わめきたてる is confusing. Why not わめきたてている? ...
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Does てこそ have a diffrent nuance compared to ので in a sentence like this?

縁の下。。。か どんな業界も そういう人たちがいてこそ成り立つんだよね My reading is "Behind the scenes.. no matter the business circles, because people like that exist, they can function" However, wouldn't the sentence work ...
LionGate's user avatar
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What does this use of あっていいな mean?

ああ 水車小屋か 風情があっていいな The character said this after stopping in front of a 水車小屋. Why is ていいな here being used here?
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Why is ても used here? [duplicate]

お前 何を And his answer 縛り上げるだけだよ まだ襲われてもうっとうしいから I understand he's expressing his displeasure over the possibly of another attack, but why is "も" particle used?
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How is ことはあっても used in this sentence?

怒らない。。。の? And his answer: 何言ってるんだ. 何日も懸命に頑張ってくれたのに。。。 感謝することはあっても 怒る理由がない I understand the answer is akin "What are you saying? You did your best for us for so many days." However I ...
Kawase_K's user avatar
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What is the tense of 「卒業して5年になる」?

I was studying the te-form in depth and found out that it can be used as a starting point (起点) and a Japanese friend of mine told me that it is the same as ~てから; just an omission of から. It seems to be ...
BIG-95's user avatar
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What does 焦らしておいて mean? (NSFW warning)

やっぱりエッチなんですね "As I thought we are going to have sex?" To which the other character replies 昨日散々焦らしておいてできなかったんだから My reading is akin "yesterday I was left in suspense, because we didn't&...
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Understanding ~たのでは "Conditionals"

I recently came across a sentence containing ~たのでは I found quite hard to parse, and I wanted to focus more on just its ~たのでは aspect to make a more focused question. So consider: 「彼が来なかったのでは、何も始まらない。」 ...
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How is 痺れた use in this context?

My understand is that the character is saying because the actor performs the victory pose with ピシッと決まってて he himself is 痺れた by it?
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Why is て-form being used in 「そして罪を受けて当然な悪人が心臓麻痺で死んでいく裏で」

In そして罪を受けて当然な悪人が心臓麻痺で死んでいく裏で Therefore, true criminals who have accepted their crimes (罪を受けて) will die of heart attacks behind the scenes... Why is a て-form verb used here, as opposed to other ...
George's user avatar
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Negation in concurrent verbs

I saw this sentence in my workbook: スープは音を立てて飲まないのがいいマナーとされる。 and I found many cases of 音を立てて飲まない on Google. This expression seems to mean "to not drink, while making sounds", instead of &...
Kotoba Trily Ngian's user avatar
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Understanding してでも in 「みずからの精神や命を犠牲にしてでも...」

Consider みずからの精神や命を犠牲にしてでもこのままじゃ いけないんだ The way I would understand this sentence were it using しても (instead of してでも) is: More literal translation: Even (しても) sacrificing my own spirit and life, the ...
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Does てから any retain "subjective reason for action" meaning from から?

My understanding of how から, ので, and て differ from each other when linking clauses: から links a subjective reason for someone's action ので links an objective reason for someone's action て can indicate ...
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When to use て forms with commas?

Consider two variants of a sentence with a comma: 雨が降って、傘を持ってきてよかった。 雨が降った、傘を持ってきてよかった。 I've seen that (2) is grammatical in Japanese (as opposed to English, where it would be considered a "run-...
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What is this use of てしまう in this sentence?

So the character with blonde hair got asked by a girl in class A to ask the guy with black hair about his type. However the guy with black hair says he doesn't have any example to give him ...
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てもらう: how do know if it's "I had someone do x for me" or "someone did x for me" [duplicate]

For example: 褒めてもらった I can tell it's probably about getting praised. However 母に車で送ってもらった。 Is "I had my mom drive me here": How does one get the difference?
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Why is ちゃう used without negative connotation in the following sentence?

俺って誰かさんと違うえらい子だから。Because I am admirable, unlike a certain someone. 空気読んじゃうんだよね。[I] surely can read the mood. So the POV character is watching two friends flirt and he's pretending to be asleep. When ...
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どう長い文章を作るかが分かるようになりたいです。この間、日本語教師の動画を観ていたら、下の文が出てきました。これはまさに先生が言った話です。 10歳、11歳ぐらいときに、子供向けの英会話教室に通い始めて、通い始めた理由がその英会話教室に入会したら、ぬいぐるみがもらえるっていうキャンペーンをやっていて、 本当にそのぬいぐるみが欲しくて、母に『英語頑張るから』と言って、入会させてもらいました。 「~...
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What is the meaning of てこい?

残りの夏休み遊べないのは残念だけど ゆっくりしてこい! So he tells his friend who is moving soon to another town 残りの夏休み遊べないのは残念だけど it's too bad we won't be able to play anymore for the remaining days of summer, but ゆっくりしてこい! ...
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てきた grammar form

Can you explain me the difference between these two sentences : 誰かが電話した。 誰かが電話して来た。
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分かっている and its usage

I was reading a manga and this sentence pops up (the blank space indicates a different speech balloon): ここは 客が分かっているの大前提の ツンデレカフェですよ。 For context: the MC enters in a cafe, and he's astonished by the ...
Jacopo Ziroli's user avatar
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Can downstepped verbs in て-form become Heiban?

Example #1: At 5m28s, it sounds like 出てきました is being pronounced as deTEKIMAshita, even though it "should be" pronounced as DEtekiMAshita Example #2: Similarly, at 2m37s, it sounds like ...
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What tense is 使って in これを使ってここで動画を作っています?

In これを使ってここで動画を作っています does 作っています being in the present progressive tense then force 使って to also be in the present progressive? Or would the sentence have to be written as これを使っていてここで動画を作っています? in ...
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Help understanding tense of sentence ending in ~てもらってて

When you conjugate both ~てもらう and いる to the て form ~てもらってて, what does that do to the tense? Example sentence: おばあちゃんに録ってもらってて。
Cassius Bright's user avatar
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Appearance of が after a て form

In the game Persona 3, a teacher says this while talking about a poet they like as opposed to one being mentioned in the textbook: …葛西もいいけど、先生、 最近は窪田空穂にハマってるのよね。 歌人としてが有名だけど、 随筆もとってもいいのよ。 I don't ...
teeferz's user avatar
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Use of the て form in a sentence like this

いい成績を取れば褒められたし、交友関係に煩く口出しもしなかったし、漫画やゲームといった娯楽を無駄だと言って一切封じられていたわけでもない。 、漫画やゲームといった娯楽を無駄だと言って一切封じられていた Specially concerning this line. Does it imply they called these things 無駄 but they didn't forbid ...
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What does 愛されて mean in this song

I was reading a lyric of a song from an anime called bocchi the rock and there was a line that I didn't really understand what it means いいな 君は みんなから愛されて 「いいや 僕は ずっと一人きりさ」 What does 愛されて here ...
asyraf shaari's user avatar
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Meaning of あってほしい in this sentence

けれど、気が合うから。相手のことに探りは入れずただ話して、遊ぶことだけを望む。 変だけど、別にいいじゃないか。 友達って楽しいことを共有して笑い合うためにある、そういう明るくて優しいもので俺はあってほしいから。 それがきっと、疲れてしまった時の救いになるんだって 友達って楽しいことを共有して笑い合うためにある Here he explains friends are something that ...
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