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What's the difference between ないことはない and ないこともない? [duplicate]

I found these two grammatical forms, ないことはない and ないこともない. To me they seem really similar both in usage and meaning, am I missing something? If somebody could give me some examples too, it would be ...
Alex16's user avatar
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も particle — “exclamation” special usage, も/と nuance distinction [duplicate]

大雪{おおゆき}によって、電車{でんしゃ}は3時間{じかん}以上{いじょう}も遅れました{おくれました}。 彼女{かのじょ}が怒る{おこる}のも当然{とうぜん}だ。 I read a few grammar explanations that suggested in these contexts も serves as an “exclamation” marker, but I’m ...
jdkrensel's user avatar
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~なくもない vs ~なくはない [duplicate]

自信がなくもない 自信がなくはない What's the difference here? I understand that both constructions are basically double negatives that cancel themselves into positives, with は sandwitched there to emphasize the ...
LonelyDriver's user avatar
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What does アレだし mean? [duplicate]

Context: the speaker is a little worried about giving her real name during registration, and says,「本名そのままって いうのもアレだし。どうしょうかな。」 Because of the context, I understand the meaning in this example. But ...
max's user avatar
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Difference between のは and のも? [duplicate]

I came across this sentence: この齢で言うのもなんですが、私は幼さなど とっくに捨て切っていたつもりでした。 Could のは also be used here? And if so, what's the difference in nuance?
Blake's user avatar
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meaning of も in 毎日捨てるのも、もったいない。 [duplicate]

The sentence is from the やさしい日本語 blog. The author is talking about 残り湯 and what to do with it. 最近は、毎日お風呂にお湯をためて入っています。そのお湯(残り湯)をどうするのか?毎日捨てるのも、もったいない。 ですから、洗たくに使っています。 Could you explain the meaning/...
Davide Bordoni's user avatar
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Meaning of も in this sentence [duplicate]

What is the meaning of も in this exchange? A: 本当によろしいのですか? B: タイバー家もただ遊んでいたわけではない   先代に比べてはな I know that も can be used to make something sound milder or less assertive, so that's my best guess here. ...
Blake's user avatar
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Usage of も in そんなこともないけど

Context: a guy has invited his girlfriend over to study, and the girlfriend finds a dirty magazine. The following exchange takes place: 男 : 香奈さん? 今日はテスト勉強しにいらしたのでしょう? 女 : 何が勉強だし! ...
Kurausukun's user avatar
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Need help with translating 今更聞くのもアレなんだけど

I'm playing through the Toradora VN and I'm at a point where Ryuji comes home and spends a bit of time talking with his mom. However, his memory has not recovered and he is unsure what kind of ...
YoungsterJoey's user avatar
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Meaning of も in そんなの珍しくもない

This sentence is from Doraemon: そんなのめずらしくもないよ. I think it means "It is not that rare/uncommon". But I don't understand the use of く も here. Should it be interpreted as めずらしく + も? Why did ...
Doya's user avatar
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What is the difference between 「とは限らない」and 「とも限らない」

When looking it up on the internet I find that とは限らない means 「イメージと違って、100%~と言えないという意味」. But the problem is I also get similar meanings for とも限らない. I've asked a Japanese speaker about it and they ...
DaRealCookie's user avatar
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Meaning of a sentence with Aが言うのもなんだけど and other considerations

Basically my question is what does the following line mean: A: あたしらが言うのもなんだけど……テストの相手があたしらで、テストになんの? Context: Persons A and B are testing the combat abilities of one of two groups of people. To ...
4th Dimension's user avatar
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I need help understanding the grammar in this sentence: 自分で言うのもなんだけど

I am still in the beginning stages of learning Japanese grammar and while I understand the meaning of the kanji I don't understand what のも means in the context of this sentence. 自分で言うのも なんだ けど
JJ625's user avatar
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Meaning of そうでもない

In this sentence: 神野{じんの}菜生子{なおこ}さして意外そうでもなくうなずいた I'm having some issue in understanding そうでもない, and according to how I read it it reverse the meaning of the sentence: as far as I understand, ...
Mauro's user avatar
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言われてみればそうだった気もしてきたな [closed]

I think this sentence means: "Now that you mention it, I am feeling good." Is this right?
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