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The grammar of "っていうの" [duplicate]

でもわたしに何ができるの ―― ああ、ほんとうに1ドル87セントで何ができるっていうの? I want to know the grammatical function of "っていう" in the second sentence and how it works. It seems to me that both of the sentences essentially mean "...
chika's user avatar
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What does "っていうのか" mean? [duplicate]

I am reading through the transcript of Madoka Magica episode 5 and I got to the line "何だか私、夢遊病っていうのか。" What does the "っていうのか" do to "夢遊病"? A translation given is "...
Attempt_1's user avatar
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The meaning/nuance of と言うの [duplicate]

So, i have met this phrase 私があの子を救ってあげなければ、誰が救うと言うのですか? Now, with a quick glance, my brain translated it as something like "if i haven't saved her, who would have done that?". However giving it ...
ABC DFG's user avatar
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誰が止めるというの 心が叫んだ声を

誰が止めるというの 心が叫んだ声を I've tried to break down each word and particle to decipher the meaning myself since I think that'd be the best way to fully grasp it. So far I've got it down to "I stop ...
tHEWONDERszs's user avatar
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Help needed breaking down で + なんだっていう in this sentence

I have the following sentence from a manga, 「問題集作ったくらいでなんだっていうのよ。そんなの…いらないわ」, and I am not sure what 「でなんだっていう」 is doing here. I think I may be mainly thrown off by the 「で」 at the beginning. Context: ...
UCProgrammer's user avatar
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Ending a sentence with っていう

I read in a grammar guide that "っていう can be used at the end of a sentence in casual language when making a point about something, especially when saying that a result is different from what you'...
Blake's user avatar
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What's the meaning and usage of って言うんだ in this case?

How does って言うんだ affect the following question. こんなことして何になるって言うんだ‌ I think it makes sense to me without it so I can't tell what it does and I don't think it's the normal "X person says" という ...
Abraham Linkin's user avatar
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なんの and っていうんだ meanings

I came across this sentence during immersion: それにたとえ こいつが来たからって何の役に立つっていうんだ? What do なんの and っていうんだ mean in this case? I have read that っていうんだ is used to form a rhetorical question, while it is said ...
Andrea22's user avatar
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what does those sentences mean?

1: どうあがけば人間が雷に勝てるというのだ Here, I don't understand the どうあがけば and というのだ, what do they mean? Can someone explain to me the grammar and the usage here? 2: 空で育ったお前でも遠雷くらい見ていよう What's with the 見ていよう? Why is ...
bulgur69's user avatar
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What does 何があんだよ mean here?

なんでここに? Why are you here 飯食いに来た以外に何があんだよ "Other than coming to eat..." I'm stumbled on this meaning of 何があんだよ. From context he seems to be saying "what else is there to do here?"...
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