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I do not understand why と is incorrect when trying to say "both" [duplicate]

Before I begin, this post is unrelated, despite the similar title. Here was the question: My father and mother both are English teachers. 父と母は英語の先生です。 父も母も英語の先生です。 父も母も英語先生です。 I looked at each ...
Mr Pie's user avatar
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What is the grammar behind 'te' 'soshite' and 'to'? [duplicate]

I want to know which 'and' to use in this context: I went out today and it was fun. I don't know for sure if it is 'te'.
Sarah De Beer's user avatar
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Differences among -たら, なら, -と, -んだったら, -ば, etc

The Japanese language has a lot of patterns for "if" clauses. What are the differences among the following patterns and how do we choose to use one over the others?: 行くと 行ったら 行くなら 行けば 行くんだったら 行くのなら ...
Lukman's user avatar
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How to say "also" or "too"

The sentence "I also ate in Tokyo" can mean three different things: (Aside from my friends who ate there), I also ate in Tokyo. (Aside from the other places where I tried local cuisines), I also ...
Ken Gonzales's user avatar
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Are there various ways to use ~し?

The many ways to say “and” in Japanese thread showed me that ~し, ~し can be used give reasons for something. この部屋は綺麗だし広いし間取りもいいから人気がある。This room is clean, wide and also good partition, so most of ...
Louis Waweru's user avatar
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しな at the end of a sentence

In the manga Yotsubato, the main character Yotsuba's father says 「ジャンボが二人分働くしな」. I understand the sentence as a whole, I think, but I don't understand the しな at the end. Here's the full dialogue: ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Joining adjectives with し before a noun

A recent question asked about joining two adjectives together. It used the following example: (example 1) きれいで静かな町 As I understand it, this is the combination of the 連用形 of きれいだ with the 連体形 of ...
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Japanese equivalent to 'and/also' for part-sentences?

I know of using と for noun & noun phrases, て-form to connect sentences Perhaps when speaking English you might suddenly remember something and go 'Oh! And (whatever you remembered). Another ...
Kitty's user avatar
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Te form standing alone

If て form is used alone what can it mean? from what I've found on my own it can be a request similar to てください as well as a direct command, but are there other ways to use it alone besides to link two ...
Nate's user avatar
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Should I replace commas with と in Japanese?

I have seen many times sentences that connect many objects with と which in English would require comma. So, is it better to generally just replace comma with と whenever connecting many things together?...
user30742's user avatar
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How to coordinate two noun clauses (の-clauses)?

He likes to eat pasta and to drink beer. 彼はパスタを食べるのとビールを飲むのが好きです。 彼はパスタを食べるのやビールを飲むのが好きです。 彼はパスタを食べてビールを飲むのが好きです。 彼はパスタを食べたりビールを飲むのが好きです。 彼はパスタも食べるがビールも飲むのが好きです。 ...
nino83's user avatar
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What is the meaning of やかおもすぐ?

What's the meaning of "やかおもすぐ" here in this sentence? あったひとのなまいやかおもすぐ覚えることができるんです
Ibrahim Magdy's user avatar
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What is 「や」doing in these sentences?

From a book about space: 近年になり、観測技術の向上や大きなプロジェクトとして取り組まれるようになって、惑星の存在の確認が待たれていたのです。 And from a ghost story: そんな訳で、小学生の頃は友達と学校帰りや家に帰ってから山へ入り、虫取りや秘密基地を作ったりして泥だらけになるまで遊んでいました。 The や seems like ...
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