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(推量形+) というものだ: nuance and function? [duplicate]

圧倒的だなんて言葉では表現しきれない、絶望的な戦力差である。 しかもそれらが皆、親でも殺されたかのような調子で士道に憎々しげな視線を送ってきているのだ。どれだけ肝が据わった人間でも汗くらい滲ませようというものである。 だが、改変後の折紙の意識が『士道への思い三〇パーセント:節度七〇パーセント』だったところに、『士道への思い一二〇パーセント』が足されたなら、...
chino alpha's user avatar
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interpretation of this もんだ [duplicate]

悪魔も理解できんもんは 怖がるもんだ does this もの mean thing as in "the thing that devils are afraid of, are the things that they dont understand" Or is there something im missing?
sieman's user avatar
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Where can I read more about もの? [duplicate]

I read a sentence that drinks make you fat: 飲み物は太るものだ I don't understand how the particle もの affects the verb here, or if it even acts like a particle. Any clarification and pointing to resources on ...
Ken Calderon's user avatar
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「知るか」 and variant phrases

I didn't find any questions about this, except for this one, but it's not really the same thing. I've seen the phrase 「知るか」 a few times in anime and manga before and I've always interpreted it as "as ...
E. Matsunaga's user avatar
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Confusion regarding the usage of 〜たいものだ

In the grammar exercise book for JLPT N2, I came across the following question: ( )を食べてみたいものだ。 a. あ、このおいしそうな料理 b. 今日はユリさんのうちで手料理 c. 一度、その珍しい魚 the correct answer is c. The explanation of the original ...
xji's user avatar
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Difference between ものだ and というものだ

人気者がそろっているというだけで、華やいだかんじになるというものだ。 Simply having popular people around makes for a cheerful feeling. I think the ものだ used here is number 2) from this answer. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I was ...
user3856370's user avatar
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なにかなのだろう parsing and meaning

In a short story I found a sentence I'm having difficulties understand no matter how I look at it or how I try to parse it: これは、心の病かもしれない、と思い、私と母はやがてじょじょにだが公にする祝い事をとりやめていった。...
Mauro's user avatar
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why ひどい神もいたもんだ means "that's a mean god"?

the english version of the material Im reading says "that's a mean god", and a friend told me that means "there is a bad god ,isn't it?" , but I don't understand why. I know ひどい神 (bad,cruel, God) I ...
Saul olmos's user avatar
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Is this ~もので a grammar pattern?

I came across this JLPT N1 sentence: 人生はなにが幸いするかわからないもので、たぶん、あれはあれでよかったんじゃないかと思う。 My literal translation: Life is a thing in which we don't know what will prove fortunate, but I think this is ...
Hikonyan's user avatar
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What would be the function of the というものだ in this context?

一体、士道や琴里にどんな狙いがあるかわからなかったが、それが七罪にとって不利益になるものであろうことは想像に難くなかった。きっと何らかの方法で七罪に復讐するつもりに決まっているのだ。それこそ、肥え太らせてから食べてしまうつもりかもしれない。それならば、七罪にこんなに美味しいご飯を与える意味もわかるというものだ。 Hi. What would be the function of the ...
chino alpha's user avatar
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Structure of ~くもなろうものだ

久方ブリダナ…百年前我ヲ封ジタ タカマガハラノ 野良大神ヨ 我ヲ仕損ジテ石クレニ成リ果テルモ マダ我ニ拘ッテイルトハ "石ノ中ニモ百年"カ …黴臭クモナロウモノダ! (source: 『大神』) Said by the villain to the protagonist, who's been sleeping as a stone statue for the last ...
Boolicious's user avatar
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How to interpret the "もの" in どうしたものでしょうか

I would like to ask how to interpret the "もの" or "もん" in the phrase "どうしたものでしょうか" or "どうしたもんか". Does it have any specific meaning or serve a grammatical function? I know the phrases have the same ...
NoNames's user avatar
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which meaning does ものだ have here?

I am trying to understand もの completely but I fail to understand it and mix up the meanings sometimes. I know that ものだ can mean that you want to emphasis something you feel etc according to this post, ...
今際のアリス's user avatar
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how does te form+ なる(ものか) work?

i pretty much know what it means, but i wanna know the nuance, what the person tries to actually say. what the なる here does??
bulgur69's user avatar
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願わくばこのまま穏やかなままとはいかねぇもんだろうか meaning?

In episode 3 of Shingeki no Kyojin at 8:30 there is this sentence: 願わくばこのまま穏やかなままとはいかねぇもんだろうか I tried my hardest but I couldn't understand what it means; can any expert here explain the structures ...
Đỗ Hùng's user avatar

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