Linked Questions

11 votes
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What is the meaning of しも?

In a recent class, my Japanese teacher taught me the use of しも as something akin to a formal version of でも as in the following sentences: いつでも暇{ひま}じゃないんですよ。 いつしも暇{ひま}じゃないんですよ。 I was told the above ...
yushi's user avatar
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How to understand みんなしてお出かけですか?

I have seen some cases where して is placed before a する verb: 1) みんなしてお出かけですか? 2) みんなして大好評だな Is this regular practice? Is this grammatically correct? Can this be done with other conjugations of ...
user19772's user avatar
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Is this が at the end of the verb conditional ?

だが[殺]{ころ}したが[最後]{さいご}きさまあの[世]{よ}いきだ! I understand this sentence as,'if you kill him, you are following him to the netherworld'. I intuitively understand this が as conditional but I am not sure. I ...
vadasambar's user avatar
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Nuance of the structure "Verb (stem of negative form) + ざるを得ない" compared to "Verb + しかない"

I've browsed a bit throught the other posts and it seems like there is no clear explanation of the nuance of "V + ざるを得ない" compared to "V + しかない". Roughly speaking, they have the same meaning but is ...
N Gillain's user avatar
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Meaning of 「かくや(という)」

A quote from 80日間世界一周: 巨大な湖が凍ったらかくやという景色だった。 It seemed like a vast frozen lake. I'm guessing the 「かく」 is this one, but I don't understand how the 「や」 works. Could this be a set phrase?
siikamiika's user avatar
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What does 持てる mean in this sentence?

「持てる力をふりしぼる。」 Does it mean "to be possesed" (just from 持てる) or "to can have" (potential, from 持つ)? The context doesn't help, they're both fine to me.
Haragurodanshi's user avatar
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を before a noun?

I'm currently learning at the JLPT N3 level, so I'm not sure if this is something I might haven't learned about. I never knew we could put を like this. This is a sentence from an e-dict so it should ...
Alice28's user avatar
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Meaning and usage of ~ど/~ども

What do the structures ~ど/~ども exactly mean? How are they used? I have seen these structures in this site: but I don't understand very well the explanation, apart ...
Rick's user avatar
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How to parse 政治家にあるまじき発言?

Consider the following sentence: その大臣は政治家にあるまじき発言で、辞任に追い込まれた。 I would like to know in particular how the section in bold should be parsed. For example: Since まじき is the attributive form of まじ, ...
Nicolas Louis Guillemot's user avatar
4 votes
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Why 予期せぬ is more common than 予期しない?

予期{よき}する (to expect) is a nominal verb with two negative forms: 予期せぬ and 予期しない. Why the せぬ form is more common than the more familiar しない?
user1602's user avatar
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What is the difference between 言われたまま and 言われるがまま?

I came across this sentence in a light novel by 北川恵海 called 『ちょっと今から人生かえてくる』 言われるがまま就活を終了した。 My translation is something like: " I did what I was told and finished my job hunting. " My ...
Matthew B's user avatar
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Can 故の mean "because" without a が preceding it?

I came across this line while reading a manga but was stuck on the 故の portion. 知識欲が行き過ぎた故の職業病なのぉ? I understood this sentence as, "It's an occupational disease because of (your) excessive thirst ...
div7ine's user avatar
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漢文・古文-type expressions that survive in modern Japanese

I was translating an academic paper that quoted some articles that were written before WW2, and I came across the expressions [noun]+たらしむべく and きたらしめる (from 来る) for the first time. Thanks to these ...
tabidots's user avatar
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未然形+んが grammar?

などと、目をキラッキラと輝かせながら、皆を呑み込まんが如く両手を大きく広げる。 I know the general meaning of the sentence but what is the grammar phenomenon of 未然形+んが? Is it a fixed structure?
chino alpha's user avatar
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What does 形ク mean in japanese?

I was searching for the meaning of "時すでに遅し。" but I couldn't find 遅し in the dictionary and weblio tells me that it's おそい with 形ク in parenthesis.
Jirei's user avatar
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