Linked Questions

7 votes
4 answers

という used right before comma: What does this mean, and how is it grammatically possible?

Finding questions about the meaning of という isn't too hard, but the answers tend to revolve around its usage before a word particle or something, such as in ということ. However there's a sentence in a ...
Panzercrisis's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Can a 読点{とうてん} ("comma") join two complete sentences?

Can 、 join two complete sentences? In other words, can 、 replace 。? I thought it could, but in this answer, user1205935 seems to suggest that it cannot. (Rather than ask about it in a comment, I ...
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3 votes
2 answers

Do Commas Have Any Impact On Meaning In Smaller Sentences?

Playing a game I encountered two different shop keeps that say the same line. Only one says a line with a comma, the other says it without. I do know that commas can help in breaking up clauses in ...
Mike Z's user avatar
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Use of a comma to separate a single word

I brushed up on the use of Japanese commas (読点) here, but I don't think it explained this usage I found on 知恵袋. The sentence is this: 忙しい、の対義語に当たる形容詞は何でしょうか。 Why exactly is the OP using the comma ...
silvermaple's user avatar
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Does position of comma hints use of と

So, I have noticed that sometimes comma appears before と, sometimes its after it, and there are also time that there is no comma at all. Does it hint something? Is there some kind of rule? ...
personanongrata's user avatar
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Usage of てーform in this example sentence

食事は良く噛んで、食べましょう。 The first clause is to tell the listener to chew their meal carefully. The second clause is more of "Let's eat". What does the で do in this sentence? I understand it is to join two ...
DK4739's user avatar
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Why isn't と necessary in the following list of items?

This is a Google Translation: English: We can talk in Chinese, English, or Spanish Japanese: 中国語、英語、スペイン語で話せます。 I eat wondering: Why isn't it necessary to add と after each list item?
wyc's user avatar
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Unrelated clauses joined by て or the extra meaning of こともある

会計検査院が調べると、この商品券を同じ人がたくさん買って、1回の買い物で100万円以上使っていたことがありました。同じ会社の人たちが全部で1800万円の商品券を買って、船を買うために使っていたこともありました。 When the audit office investigated (they found that) it's the same people that buy a lot of ...
user3856370's user avatar
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Do Japanese use commas or "and"? [duplicate]

In English when we have sentences like I ate an apple, pear and orange we use a comma to separate the words in a list instead of constantly using "and". Does one use commas in Japanese in a ...
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Why do some native Japanese speakers put a comma after a particle? [duplicate]

Example: あなたは、きっと日本の抹茶ティーは嫌いだね This is how I'm seeing the sentence: You'll, certainly hate Matcha tea in Japan. Or maybe I'm translating the sentence in the wrong way? Anyhow, could be the ...
alex's user avatar
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Should I replace commas with と in Japanese?

I have seen many times sentences that connect many objects with と which in English would require comma. So, is it better to generally just replace comma with と whenever connecting many things together?...
user30742's user avatar