Linked Questions

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Is 入れ物 different from other A-物 expressions? [duplicate]

While I can understand the meaning of the word, I cannot wrap my head around the logic behind it. In all similar cases, the basis of the expression is the object of the action: Aを食べる ⟶ A: 食べ物 Aを飲む ⟶ ...
Szega's user avatar
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Does 連用形 always reflect the meaning of 連体形 of a verb? [duplicate]

The verb 調べる means to examine;  to investigate;  to check up;  to sense;  to study;  to inquire;  to search The 連用形 調べ means investigation;  inspection;  examination tune;  note;  melody ...
Nutkin's user avatar
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Understanding 'ありのままで'

I know that 'ありのままで' means something like 'as I am', but how would one go about understanding the bits and pieces of the phrase, such as 'あり' and what its function in the phrase is? Thank you for your ...
Anna Jaeckle's user avatar
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Why are dogs asked to 「おすわり」 instead of 「すわれ」

In the manga Inuyasha, the heroine Kagome acquires the ability to force the titular Dog-Yokai to fall over by saying 「おすわり」. I figured this must be a typical dog training command, but I wondered why ...
Joel Roberts's user avatar
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Strange phrase? 「お切らせ願います。」

I was translating a song (full lyrics:反芻の印象_(Hansuu_no_Inshou) ) and found this phrase which I am very confused about: 「お切らせ願います。」 "Please make (let) it cut" is ...
Smoothie's user avatar
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What does 何か食べ物 mean?

彼女は何か食べ物が欲しいです。 この犬は何か飲み物が欲しいです。 彼は何か読み物が欲しいです。 I didn't understand this structure, could you write some translations and explain me them?
Dav7n's user avatar
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Use of 物 as a noun suffix, specifically 配達物

More pain with Duolingo. I've come across the word 配達物{はいたつぶつ}. It's supposed to mean "delivery" but it's not in Jisho, it's not in Weblio, it's not in my beginner paper dictionary and it's ...
user3856370's user avatar
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Do I have a good grasp on the basics of what the continuative form is?

I'm doing some research as to what continuative forms are due to naruto's previous answer to an earlier question of mine. To make sure I understand correctly: roughly, the "continuative form"...
Toyu_Frey's user avatar
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What is going on grammatically with "Xを嫌いになる"?

I've observed native speakers use this construction (similarly with 好き). Does this mean that なる can be used transitively and take a direct object in some cases? Is this related to the idea that ...
CAW's user avatar
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Nominalizing verb with い-ending vs ーの

In my Japanese class today, we were supposed to say a sport we liked. I said: 泳ぎが好きです。 We haven't learned this way of nominalizing verbs or the names of many sports, so my 先生 shook her head no and I ...
ringo's user avatar
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泣いていた vs. 泣きしていた

I had someone ask me what the difference between these two are, presumably because Google Translate said "was crying" for both 泣【な】いていた and 泣きしていた. My attempt to answer his question involved how the ...
user avatar
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What form of imperative is this? 是非この機会お見逃しなく!

The following statement seems like an imperative but does not have the structure of the imperative: 是非{ぜひ}この機会{きかい}お見逃{みのが}しなく! Make sure not to miss this opportunity! Is なく 連用形 of ない? If yes, ...
user1602's user avatar
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悟る vs 気づく vs 分かる Satoru vs Kizuku vs Wakaru

From my understanding, 気づく is more "to realise" and 分かる is more to "understand" right? Where does 悟る fall in comparison to these 2? Is it more towards "realising" or "understanding"? Or is it ...
shoryuu's user avatar
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Is there a difference between 嘘つき and 嘘つけ ?

Any subtle differences in meaning or respect? Which is more common? Or is it just another one of those words like やはり/やっぱり/やぱり, しょうがない/しかたない、あんまり/あまり etc. with no difference at all other than ...
shoryuu's user avatar
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Meaning of: やりまくり

I'm reading a manga and two people are having a conversation about a secret rendezvous (not sure yet if it's a rendezvous between the two people speaking or the people they are speaking about), when ...
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