Linked Questions

50 votes
2 answers

How does the の work in 「日本人の知らない日本語」?

I've read that 日本人の知らない日本語 translates to: "Japanese (language) that Japanese (people) don't know". But I don't understand how or what the の does in that sentence. If I'm not mistaken 知らない日本語 could ...
dotnetN00b's user avatar
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relative clauses without verbs

I read a sentence in Naruto that challenged some of my ideas about how Japanese works, and I'd like to try and clear this up. I can only assume that アナタがピンチの時 means "when you're in a pinch". First of ...
Axe's user avatar
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Analyzing sentences like 日本がピンチだ and 明日は雨だ

How are sentences like 日本がピンチだ (Japan is in a pinch) and 明日は雨だ (tomorrow it will rain) analyzed? Translating them trivially, as 日本がピンチだ Japan is a pinch 明日は雨だ Tomorrow is rain doesn't make sense. So ...
dainichi's user avatar
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Aは病気です. Isn't 病気 an abstract noun?

According to Jisho, 病気 is a noun meaning 'illness'. I recently read the sentence Aは病気です, which I took to mean "[Person] A is ill". My confusion lies in whether 病気 is properly an adjective, i....
userhello90831's user avatar
4 votes
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Why "to iu na no" instead of "de" or "no"?

So I'm watching this anime a couple of days ago and one of the characters were describing a group of people. He ended his description with "GIGN to iu na no inu". The subtitle says that meant: "Those ...
dotnetN00b's user avatar
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初めてです, is '初めて' an adverb?

I saw following quotes: アメリカは初めてです。 This is my first time to America. I've learned about <n.> は <n.|adj.> です. Checking at several dictionaries, '初めて' is an adverb. Is it OK to use an ...
Karata's user avatar
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のs Everywhere....Why?

I have to translate the following for my intro Japanese class. 私は、去年、名古屋市内の静かな所にある庭つきの三階建ての窓の大きい住みやすい家を買いました。 I think it means the following. Last year, I bought a yard/garden including, 3 story, ...
Snowy Coder Girl's user avatar
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When can adjectives be used with the particle "no"?

Some adjectives are used like this: [次]{つぎ}の[世界]{せかい} "tsugi no sekai" (next world) [黄色]{きいろ}の[車]{くるま} "kiiro no kuruma" (yellow car) and others are used liked this: かわいい[車]{くるま} ...
Pablo's user avatar
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hontou nano ka , is "na" here part of the question marker or is it something else?

I know that you can use ka, no, and noka as question markers. But what is "na" in "hontou na no ka" . is it another form of question marker altogether or what does it mean the "na" in that sentence?
Pablo's user avatar
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Understanding ただより高いものはない

「むかしっからなァ、ただより高いものはないっていうことわざがあるんだぞっ。」 From the old days there's a saying that "nothing costs as much as what is given to us". I've taken the translation of ただより高いものはない straight from the dictionary,...
user3856370's user avatar
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2 votes
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About the second の in 不思議の国のアリス

So "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" is known as "不思議の国のアリス" in Japan. What does the second の do here? I don't think it means that アリス belongs to the 不思議の国, and 不思議の国 doesn't seem to be a ...
kuchitsu's user avatar
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Using だ as a Verb

I was reading through the following blog and came across a particularly interesting example on the use of は and が. The author explains that in the context of a young man pointing at a number of ...
Master Yoda's user avatar
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Questions about 話 and <副動詞>の

The following exchange occurs in Volume 3, Chapter 51 of the manga ReLife. The sequence of events is: A girl told a guy that she saw him a year or two ago and it was love at first sight. She ...
G-Cam's user avatar
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What is the definition of adjective in Japanese?

In this question When can adjectives be used with the particle "no"? I was taught that "next" in Japanese is a noun. In English, the definition of adjective is "A describing ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Using な and の interchangeably?

Using them as descriptors, can they be interchanged? E.g. 親切な人 vs 親切の人 Is の only acceptable if referring to a specific new person from a certain place that has been established earlier in the ...
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