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What does ところ do here? [duplicate]

青年が皆の手で地面に取り押さえられ、縄でぐるぐる巻きにされているところだった。 Does ところ here take on the meaning of "in the midst of doing"? So this sentence would mean: "The boy was held down by everyone, and was being rolled up by a ...
Tomm's user avatar
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What is the purpose of "ところ" in this passage? [duplicate]

The use of ところ is quite abstract to me sometimes, usually I can guess its purpose, but I'm not quite sure here; 「眼を耀かせてるところ悪…」 Does it act like a particle? Like it's defining what was in those ...
Jipnippan's user avatar
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Verbs + ところ / Verbs + とこ / Verbs + ばかり

I learnt: 食べるところ:about to eat. 食べているところ:in the middle of eating. 食べたところ:just ate. 食べたばかり:just ate. I would like to know if I can change ところ for とこ in spoken language. and if there is any difference ...
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Does ところを always mean the same thing as のに? What is the difference between ところへ and ところに?

One of my JLPT books, 総まとめ文法N2, uses the following examples to explain the grammar pattern ところだ: お忙{いそが}しいところをすみません。(=忙{いそが}しいのに) → I am sorry to bother you at this busy time. 会{あ}いたいと思{おも}...
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Particles following ところ (に, を, and で)

料理をしているところに電話がかかってきて困った。 デートをしているところを友だちに見られてしまった。 電車に乗ったところで今日は祝日だと気づいた。 In the above sentences, what decide the particle following ところ? They all seem to indicate a happening during/while ...
IUnknown's user avatar
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Which ところ is this?

I had my sentence of 今日は友達の車で警告を読んで、和英翻訳してみることにします ("Today I will read the warning in my friend's car and try to do a Japanese to English translation of it") corrected to become: ...
Flaw's user avatar
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What does 望むところだ mean?

I've seen the expression 望むところだ twice in manga (both times spoken by a very rough speaking male character). The context of the situations (the character who spoke was just threatened or warned in both ...
G-Cam's user avatar
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Is there a relationship between ~たところで and するところだった?

I am studying an JLPT book on listening, and in two questions very close to each other, the grammatical forms ~たところで and するところだった came up. My book defines ~たところで as giving an impression of giving up ...
Questioner's user avatar
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What does「とこ」mean in this sentence?

学校なんて つまらないとこ すぐやめられると思ってたけど もう少し このままで 未練ができちゃったから I came across these sentences while watching The Quintessential Quintuplets (season 2, episode 1, 5 mins in). My understanding of the context is ...
SIREN's user avatar
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Differing explanations of 〜ところを

My textbook has this example sentence: 試験中、となりの人の答えを見ているところを先生に注意された。 The interpretation of this sentence hinges around ところを, and I'm not 100% sure what that means. The textbook simply indicates ...
Nahcirn's user avatar
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When to use ところ / て+いるところ / た+ところ

In this sentence: 「もしもし、今、駅に向かって(_______)ところです。 あと5、6分でつきます。」 What should be the correct tense of the verb 歩く? Should I base my answer on the word 今 or the てform of 向かう? If there is 今 does that ...
Shiniboi's user avatar
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Dictionary form of verb to indicate progressive actions or actions in progress?

I've always interpreted the plain/present affirmative of a verb (e.g. 行く/行きます) as either A.) an action that I will do in the future 図書館に行きます "I will go to the library" B.) an action that I ...
mattb's user avatar
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the colloquial meaning of 嫌なところ見られた

In a story, a hated character comes into the room. The narrator says 嫌{いや}なところ見{み}られた The literal translation doesn't make much sense, as I can't see what "bad place" she's talking about. I tried to ...
Mordecai Hunter's user avatar
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Understanding a compound sentence from a crime reporter

At 2m56s of Death Note, a crime reporter says the following: 本日、午前十一時頃 神奈川県横浜市のアパートで、 30前後と見られ男性が、血まみれで死亡しているところとが見つかれ which is translated to English as At around 11 o'clock today, in the city of ...
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