Linked Questions

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When の follows particles

What is the significance of the usage of の in these nominals? 東京からの手紙 東京から手紙 The latter is how I was taught to formulate this nominal form, but I came across a source that uses the first form. I'm ...
Michael Allen's user avatar
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What is the meaning of 巻ノ + number next to a book?

What is the meaning of 巻ノ + number next to a book? I know that 巻 = volume ノ = ? 七十二 = 72 So it's Volume [?] 72
PauloHDSousa's user avatar
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How is というのは different from は?

だが、十香のいる水族館と目と鼻の先というのは、精神衛生上あまりよろしくなかった。 Context: the protagonist (士道) is dating 十香 and they went to 水族館 together. But in the process of watching fishes in 水族館, 士道 runs away, pretending to go to the ...
chino alpha's user avatar
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what does kara no mean? [duplicate]

Sometimes instead of "kara" which I understand it mostly translates as "from" I see written "kara no", which it seems to have a similar meaning to "kara" alone. What's the difference or what does it ...
Pablo's user avatar
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how to complement the させる+くれる

I'm struggling trying to complement sentences using させる+くれる/もらう. In my studies it was said that させる+くれる meant "to let someone do" kind of, so the following sentence: 先生が質問をたくさん聞かせてくれた The teacher ...
Felipe Chaves de Oliveira's user avatar
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There is not enough space

I have a query about how to say "there is no enough space for it?" and "it's in the way." Unfortunately my japanese is not good enough to create a natural sentence, and all I come out with is ...
crowbush's user avatar
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Difference between について and につき

What exactly are the differences between using について and につき? In the following sentences, my grammar book says they are not interchangeable, but I don´t quite understand why. Thank you very much for ...
Arya's user avatar
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の function in 以上の

I found it in これ以上のおしゃべりは. My question is, why 以上の is translated as no more. It it because の have a specific function here? or it is just an expression. Thanks :-)
Smiled_One's user avatar
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What is the mean difference between 取引先との付き合い方 and 取引先の付き合い方? [duplicate]

What is the mean difference between 取引先との付き合い方 and 取引先の付き合い方? Thank for support me.
Son Le's user avatar
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Does Xから modify Yの here?

From the Wikipedia article for 源頼朝: 源頼朝は、平安時代末期から鎌倉時代初期の武将、政治家であり、鎌倉幕府の初代征夷大将軍である。 Clearly, 平安時代末期から鎌倉時代初期の modifies 武将、政治家. However, what does the 平安時代末期から modify? Is 鎌倉時代初期の treated as a の-...
user10777's user avatar
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Understanding 「ついての,。。。」

From a dictionary definition: ば ③ […] 引き続いて起こる事柄についての、 きっかけを表す。…すると。 First Question: Why is there a の followed by a comma after について? Is it equivalent to any of the following alternatives: […] ...
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