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に as the subject marker?

In an anime I was watching the other day, I heard the bellow phrase. I don't remember whose name it was or which anime it was, so I'll just replace it with a generic name: アリスに分かってる. The speaker was ...
Delectable Tea's user avatar
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Why is には used in this sentence instead of は? [duplicate]

It hasn't been answered. Please help. なぜ殺されたのか君にはわからないのですか? Please help me understand why they use [には] in this sentence. Compare with [は], what is the difference it makes in that context ? I ...
Narutokage's user avatar
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How is に used in にできる here? [duplicate]

Slight disclaimer. I did read the following post, Meaning of に in ~にできる , but did not see it's reasoning directly translating to my sentence. Here is sentence in question: 「五つ子だからミクにできることは他の四人にもできる。」 ...
UCProgrammer's user avatar
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俺にでも + なれる meaning << From this song There's a sentence: 君のためなら 俺にでもなれる Billionaire The translation is "If it’s for you, even I could ...
Kyuu's user avatar
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What does には do in this sentence, and which part is responsible for the "for me" nuance?

話し方がちょっと速すぎて私には分かりません。 For some reason it feels strange to me to go right from すぎて to 私.
charlemagne 's user avatar
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Use of にだってある程度 in this sentence

もう何日も一緒に生活している俺と可憐。 当然すべてではないにしろ、俺にだってある程度今の可憐の気持ちはわかっているつもりだ。 I added the previous line for context.  I made this だって question a while back but it may not apply to this instance. Naturally, ...
charu's user avatar
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How does the に particle work here? (にでき) [duplicate]

愛にできること. I am so confused for the usage of the particle に here. This would translate to "things love can do", right? But I've always thought に marks the noun before it, and the action would ...
goatsandturtles's user avatar
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How accurately can のこと be translated as 'with regards to' in the following sentence?

While stumbling over my serval-month-old translation notes out of boredom, I found that I had made note of のこと to mean 'with regards to (noun)" for the following Japanese sentence. それでも彼には、...
Toyu_Frey's user avatar
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How to denote the object and the subject of potential form verbs clearly?

The source in where I studied told me that you mark the object of potential form with が particle instead of を particle because potential form is just a state, no actual action is taken. It ...
Dekiru's user avatar
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What purpose does the particle に serve in this sentence?

人に出来ることには限りがある What is the point of the second に? Would the sentence have a different meaning or be grammatically incorrect if it was just 人に出来ることは限りがある? Any help in understanding this would be very ...
popcorndem's user avatar
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に particle used with ある

できることが僕にある This sounds like "the things I can do is in me", which doesn't makes sense. Translation tells me it actually means "I can do something". Why is に used rather than が? What rule does this に ...
Newbie's user avatar
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Does に function like は in お前に俺の気持ちがわかるもんか? [duplicate]

I saw this sentence in this topic, but I just have a different question. お前に俺の気持ちがわかるもんか。 Does に here function like は? Because I think the sentence can also be written like this お前は俺の気持ちがわかるもんか。
Mihara's user avatar
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I have a question. Why is the particle に instead of は for this sentence? Isnt the one doing supposed to be は not に? Thank you [duplicate]

I have a question. Why is the particle に instead of は for this sentence? “私に何かできることがあれば” Isnt the one doing supposed to be は not に? Thank you
カール's user avatar
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What is the usage of には in this sentence [duplicate]

What is the function of には in this sentence: 子供たちは密集して教師を取り囲み、みんなの眼が教師に向けられて、四方八方から口々に絶え間もなくしゃ べり立てていたが、Kには子供たちの早口の言葉が全然聞き取れなかった It seems to me that は should be in place of には here.
Thuan Nguyen's user avatar
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Usage of に in ~にわかる [duplicate]

Often I see に used with verbs like わかる or できる, such as 私{わたし}の気持ち{きもち}があなたに分かる{わかる}ものか What is the function of に here? How would that differ from using が for example? I've tried searching it up and ...
HeadFont99's user avatar

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