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Is there a rule to writing verbs in hiragana or kanji when used as a suffix? [duplicate]

A common pattern I've noticed is for verbs like 行く and 来る after the て form of another verb. I know this is grammatically simply verb listing, but in terms of meaning the verbs often times sort of ...
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~ておく or ~とく for preparation (conjugation and nuance)

A few quick questions regarding ~ておく and the casual form ~とく Firstly, when changing from ~ておく to the more casual ~とく I'm assuming the verb is first conjugated to the ~て form then the ~て is dropped and ...
mattb's user avatar
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Auxiliary verbs in Japanese

What are auxiliary verbs in Japanese language? Which verbs are auxiliary and how to tell which are auxiliaries, and which are normal? It looks like the word です is an auxiliary verb. But why? What ...
Richard's user avatar
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How to use あげます、もらいます、and くれます

I have yet to find a good source that covers this in full. But I've seen them being used in places where no giving or receiving is taking place. For example, "写真をとってもらえませんか?" and another one I ...
The Last Sane Student In An In's user avatar
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Should I use ~てきた or ~て来た?

In the examples below 彼は私のところに荷物を送ってきた。 彼は私のところに荷物を送って来た。 荷物が私のところに送られてきた。 荷物が私のところに送られて来た。 would it be better to use the termination/set phrase てきた? (no kanji) because this is changing the nuance ...
4F0X4's user avatar
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In Japanese, what does the word "kimashita" mean and how does it work?

In my text book it says “kimashita” is the past form of “to come”. But then in the textbook it says: How long have you worked here? Koko de wa dorekurai hataraite kimashita ka? How does “kimashita” ...
big_smile's user avatar
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What's the いて in 「忘れないでいて」 for?

I know that the verb changes from 忘れる(to forget) to 忘れないで (don´t forget) but I can´t understand the いて at the end. At first, I thought it comes from the casual imperative form of いる as this post ...
Chrollo's user avatar
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Differences between た/てた

Context: From Yotsuba&, they went gathering chestnuts and one of them had a bug in it so they threw it away. But here the young girl is eating from the rest and her sister is saying that there ...
TheComputerist's user avatar
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Usage and meaning : 寝ろ vs 寝てろ?

Source: page 32, Ch.82 of よつばと! My translation of the highlighted text bubble is, Now, sleep quietly okay. But I am confused as to why 寝てろ is used here as opposed to 寝ろ? Is it because sleep is a ...
vadasambar's user avatar
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How can verb て become an adverb?

I found a sentence 医者が「大丈夫ですか」と重ねて尋ねた。 with translation The doctor repeatedly asked "Is it OK?". As far as I know The concatenation of て verb represents several actions which are done one ...
Display Name's user avatar
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Meaning of 寝てない

昨日{きのう}も全然{ぜんぜん}寝{ね}てない。* Yesterday I didn't sleep at all. Is it 寝る in て-form followed by ある in negative form? Or a contraction of 寝ていない? Also, why is it not in past form? I thought one should say: ...
Asik's user avatar
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What is this 行ってまいります

資料が届いたようですので、事務室に取りに行ってまいります。 "Because it looks like the documents have arrived, I go to the office to fetch them." This sentence is an example from the grammar section of my textbook. I've ...
Narktor's user avatar
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ている pronunciation/internalization

How are things like ている/でいる split in terms of pronunciation? Do people internalize/think of it as te-iru or tei-ru when speaking? (there is a small difference in what it would sound like between those ...
user19859's user avatar
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Dropping particles in casual speech/songs

Hey i was listening to this song And it felt weird for me when one of these lines seemed to lack a particle, I am wondering if it is lacking one and it is ok to do so since it is a song, or if there ...
Felipe Chaves de Oliveira's user avatar
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The transitivity of (auxiliary) verbs

In the current section of my textbook, a bunch of verbal compositions was introduced, like: 読み終わり 歩き始め 祈り続け 終わり and 続け are classified as auxiliary verbs on jisho:
Narktor's user avatar
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Saying "I'm going to sleep"

Is 眠って行きます correct? Is it Nemutte ikimasu or nemuttekimasu? Informally.
José's user avatar
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Use of する and しまう

忘れ物をしました 忘れ物をしまったんです 忘れ物をしてしました 忘れ物をしてしまったんです Are all these four expressions acceptable, what is the difference among them?
Null's user avatar
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What is the difference between "verb-stem + verb" and "verb-て form + verb"?

例: 吸い取る 対 吸って取る 例: 噛み殺す 対 噛んで殺す たしかに、意味は同じではないけど似ています。区別は何でしょうか。 What is the difference in meaning between the above verb pairs, and which construction would be used when?
quantum231's user avatar
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is Vてはじめて it's own grammar construction or simply something made up to help Japanese learners?

The Vてはじめて、construction is generally taught as its own grammar point to mean "not until X", "only after X". However from what I've been told by other learners as well as natives, ...
Lith's user avatar
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What do the words 「きてやった」 mean?

It is a situation that a little girl throwing several raw eggs to two policemen. After that, she was running away and saying the below sentence. Here is the sentence. なっとうもふりかけてきてやった
George's user avatar
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Help me understand 言ってみただけだよ

I found this sentence 言ってみただけだよ and it is translated to I'm just tried to say / I'm just saying I don't understand why and I have a feeling it's because of みた. I know that みた is "to see" in ...
Smiled_One's user avatar
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what is "progressive form" in japanese?

I am making a Japanese verb conjugation app and can not seem to find the Japanese equivalent of "Progressive Form" For example 辞書形 = dictionary form 命令形 = imperative form 可能形 = potential form etc. ...
Koden's user avatar
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How to properly use verb stem instead of the te form?

I'm writing an essay for school and to keep the word count down I've been using the verb masu form's stem instead of the te form. However, I'm slightly confused by how consistent it needs to be. Does ...
FoolishStrawberry's user avatar
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What is the difference between ~ていてください and ~ていってください?

a.ゆっくりしていてください b.ゆっくりしていってください What's the difference between these two sentences? How to translate them?
たつ_'s user avatar
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What meaning does やって add to the following main verbs?

What meaning does the prefix やって give to the main verbs? Is it a constant one can do with some other verbs as well? For example やって来る やって見る やって退ける やって行く
Healer's user avatar
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Why does this sentence have 帰って来なさい?

In A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar in the ~nasai section it has this example sentence: "早くうちに帰って来なさいよ。" with translation "Come home early, OK?". I'm aware of the general difference between 帰る ...
John K's user avatar
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Kanjied 出した vs kananed だした in -dasu/dashta pattern

雪が降り出した。 It started to snow (unexpectedly). In Maggie's article on this pattern "How to use V + 始める ( = hajimeru) / だす ( = dasu) / かける ( = kakeru)" she uses hiragana for this verb. In ...
Tchibi-kun's user avatar
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What verb form is してきた?

What is してきた? 文化という言葉は、芸術や学問など人間が生み出した高い達成度を持つもの(ハイカルチャー)を指すとともに、人間の社会が長年にわたって形成してきた慣習や振舞いの体系を指す (source) I suppose it's a conjugated form of する, but I can't find it. I don't know if it has anything ...
Starckman's user avatar
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もらわれていくの grammar

I have problem understanding grammar in this sentence: アニー、もらわれていくのがいやになったの。。。 Could you help to translate it and give links to grammar?
T_T's user avatar
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The meaning of 示してみせろ

その点に不服があるのなら、学校側が納得するようにこの1年間で示してみせろ。 示す: 1. to (take out and) show; to demonstrate; to tell; to exemplify; to make apparent​, 2. to point out (finger, clock hand, needle, etc.)​, 3. to indicate; to ...
Amanda Zhang's user avatar

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