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Verb conjugations such as 思わん、言えん [duplicate]

I have seen these forms used in manga: 1) いや一概にあほとは言えん 2) そう思わんですか! 3) 入らん人々は... Are these simply the negative forms, or are they something else?
user19772's user avatar
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Questions about dialogue in this picture (omitted を、一歩も歩けん) [duplicate]

The dialogue in this picture is simple enough for me up until 一歩も歩けん. The first half makes me expect the whole sentence to be 一歩も引かない but the sentence as a whole confuses me. What is this 歩けん ...
usagimaru's user avatar
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What is the form of "売らん" in the sentence "ウランは売らん。"? [duplicate]

I'm not sure if "売らん" is acting as a verb in the dajare, "ウランは売らん。". If it is, please explain what conjugation or form of the verb that this is. If it isn't, can you tell me where "売らん" comes from and ...
slyfin's user avatar
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Why is it なさそう and not なそう

"It seems there is none" is なさそう, which escapes the usual rule for 形容詞 (イ-adjectives), which says "drop the い and add そう". Is there a historical explanation for this exception? And does it have ...
Earthliŋ's user avatar
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Why isn't ある's negative form あらない?

ある is listed in dictionaries as having ラ行五段活用, which would suggest a negative form of あらない. However, that form does not exist. Why not?
senshin's user avatar
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I don’t understand the meaning of “冗談 通じんじゃん” in below sentence

The whole sentence is: “笑える! コタってつまんない男だと思ってたけど案外 冗談 通じんじゃん。” I checked on the internet and found “冗談が通じる” which means He or she gets the joke. But in the sentence “冗談 通じんじゃん”. the word “じゃん” is ...
farhad gharleghi's user avatar
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What is "られん" in "付き合ってられん"? I can't found it in dictionary?

Context: The google translate split "付き合ってられん" to words as "付き合って られん" but it seem is not a regular word I can't understand what do "られん" meaning or find out ...
illiterate's user avatar
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What is the conjugation in the word 「起たんか」and what does it mean?

The full sentence is「おい起【た】て。起【た】たんか」頭の所に立っていた伍長が怒鳴った。 This is older Japanese by the way, so 「起て」and 「起たんか」are pronounced 「たて」and「たたんか」。 Anyway, I was wondering what the conjugation in 「起【た】たんか」means. ...
ボイヤ's user avatar
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What does 帰れん mean?

from the youtube channel 釣れるまで帰れん is it won't go back or can't go back if translated or neither?
gbfrd's user avatar
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人間は普通ここに来れんのになあ I Know it means Humans Cannot Come here usually

人間は普通ここに来れんのになあ I Know it means Humans Cannot Come here usually. but doesn't 来られます Means can come Potential Form But 来れ Then ん Confuses me.
Brandon Fresh's user avatar