
What exact function do に を serve here together?

"His gaze full of trust toward me reminds me of my childhood"?

  • 1
    「俺に信頼しきった眼差し」<-- I would say 俺信頼しきった眼差し... (Which is correct, ~を信頼する or ~に信頼する ?)
    – chocolate
    Commented Jun 10, 2023 at 14:47

1 Answer 1


That を is a normal usage as the object marker. 子供時代 is the direct object of the verb 思い出す. The speaker remembers his childhood.

The に after 眼差し is somewhat literary. It is used for something that triggers a certain emotion in the agent (or doer) of the verb. It’s related to this. In this particular case, the gaze reminds the speaker of his childhood.

The に after 俺 seems wrong to me. It should be を.

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