I was trying to understand a fragment from My Clueless First Friend, and got stuck with this sentence:
ごめん ね 多分 私 の こと を からかいたかった だけ な ん だろう けど 巻き込んで 嫌 な 気持ち に させちゃって
In the subtitles it's translated this way:
Oh, I'm sorry about that... I'm sure they were trying to tease me, but you got dragged into this too because of me...
I used different tools (jisho.org, rikaichamp, ichi.moe) and sources of information (subs, auto subs)... The results differ slightly...
The thing I'm the least certain about is なんだろう. The tools say it's 3 or even 4 words. But I guess it's after all 2 words: 何だろう. And it's probably like adding "I guess" to a sentence, expresses uncertainty. Or maybe she's just being humble, polite, doesn't want to sound abrupt.