A general said this comment about a bandit he just fought:


I can only understand vaguely that he might be saying the bandits though having a large number of troops, but they're for the most part not well trained soldiers.

Hope someone can correct my understanding if i was wrong.

1 Answer 1


Your understanding is correct.

寄せ集め means something like a "jumble", but with the implication that the quality is bad. Large in quantity, low in quality. That's what 寄せ集め insinuates.

寄せ集めの色 is referring to the masses of 黄巾賊, those who identifies themselves by wearing a yellow band(黄巾). So the 色 here is just 黄色, a symbolic reference to the rebel army.

  • "something like a "jumble", but with the implication that the quality is bad." - "hodge-podge", perhaps? Commented Apr 9, 2023 at 0:04

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