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it is shown a usage of もの that says as follows.

それに相当する 特定の語について、その状態に達している、その状態に相当することを表します。

However, I don't quite understand the examples associated with this usage (sentences 6-8).

(6) 子供が大怪我しちゃって、一時は本当に冷や汗ものだった。

(7) エイズを治療する薬が開発されたらノーベル賞ものだ。

(8) 「簡単に儲けられますよ」という眉唾ものの投資話には騙されないようにしましょう。

While in sentence 7, I think ものだ can be understood as "to deserve (a Nobel prize)", I don't understand the function of もの in sentences 6 and 8. What kind of nuance does もの give to 冷や汗 and to 眉唾?

Also, if possible, could you please give me other examples with もの with the usage それに相当する (to correspond, to be equivalent to)?

1 Answer 1


The もの adds exactly the nuance of '相当する', i.e., something that is equivalent to the thing but not the thing itself. E.g. ノーベル賞もの says it deserves a Nobel prize, and doesn't say that a Nobel prize is actually awarded.

A translation that comes to my mind is that could lead to, even if not very idiomatic in English.

  • 冷や汗もの: something that would make you (could lead to) cold sweat
  • ノーベル賞もの: something that could result in a Nobel prize
  • 眉唾もの:something that would make you 眉に唾をつける

Instances that come off the top of my head are:

  • 噴飯もの:absurd. (thing that makes you laugh and spit up things in the mouth)
  • 表彰もの:award-worthy
  • 懲罰もの:a thing that potentially results in a punishment (E.g., 三日も遅刻したら懲罰ものだ)

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