
What does "他人の目にも楽しく" mean? I guess に is indicating a position here, so 目にも楽しく means "being happy even in others's eyes", but I am unsure about my guess.

1 Answer 1


The 楽しく in 他人の目にも楽しく refers not exactly to the subject's happiness as being happy would. It should be a variant of 目を楽しませる, literally meaning pleasing (someone's) eyes or visually enjoyable.

So it says that 自分の幸福な状態 provides satisfaction/joy to others visually and mentally.

  • what does に mean in that sentence? can you provide more useage of に like this?
    – CN.hitori
    Mar 4, 2023 at 3:19
  • 1
    @CN.hitori It is to. Thinking 楽しい=happy would make it difficult to understand. It is pleasant to.
    – sundowner
    Mar 4, 2023 at 3:30

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