I hope this question is not too dumb. The context comes from Spirited Away:
Mother father and daughter arrive at some empty food stand
(Fater) すみませーん、どなたかいませんかー?
(Mother) 千尋{ちひろ}もおいで、おいしそうよ。
(Father) すいませーん!
(Mother) いいわよ、そのうち来たらお金払えばいいんだから。
(Father) そうだな。そっちにいいやつが… (looking at food)
(Chihiro) ねぇ帰ろ、お店の人に怒られるよ。
(Father) 大丈夫、お父さんがついてるんだから。カードも財布も持ってるし。
I can't really grasp the sense of that ついてる at the end of the dialogue. Initially I simply thought it referred to the card and wallet cited in the second sentence, but I don't really think this works since there's that し. On jisho.org I found these possible meanings:
to be settled; to be resolved
to side with (I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with this one but you never know)
Could number 1 actually be the answer? I feel like it may be, but I can't really grasp the usage and I'm finding it difficult searching example sentences for this exact meaning of the verb.
Thank you.