These are complicated words (at least to me) and I'm aware that they have multiple meanings, but in the context of describing the appearance of someone/something how do 様子, 姿 and 格好 differ? To what extent are they interchangeable?
1 Answer
Basic differences (of relevant meanings of those words) are:
- 様子 is modified by phrases saying about inner state. So it could be defined as an inner/mental state appearing outside.
- 姿 is an overall outward appearance
- 恰好 is also an outward appearance, but more specifically about clothes. It can refer to a shape as well.
By examples:
- 心配そうな{〇様子, △姿, ×恰好} look of being worried
- 心配している{△様子, 〇姿, ×恰好} a figure who is worried
- みすぼらしい{×様子, 〇姿, 〇恰好} shabby implying poor clothes
△ for 心配している様子 is a bit exaggerating, but 心配している implies that it is a fact, not inferred. 様子 fits less naturally.
- 山の様子 how the mountain is - if it is rainy, about to erupt etc.
- 山の姿 how the mountain looks - the appearance of the actual mountain.
- (山の恰好 is an abbreviated form of 山向けの恰好, outfit for mountain climbing)
Cf. Relevant thesaurus entries.