もうそんな寒さかと島村は外を眺めると、鉄道の官舎らしいバラックが山裾に寒々と 散らばっているだけで、 雪の色はそこまで行かぬうちに闇に呑まれていた。
which apparently means
When Shimamura gazed outside, thinking it had already gotten cold, railroad residence-like barracks were desolately dispersed at the foot of the mountains, and before the snow hues could reach that far, the barracks were swallowed by darkness.
I'm having trouble parsing "雪の色はそこまで行かぬうちに". What does うち mean in this context, and how is it being used with the 連体形 before it to form the meaning of "before the snow hues could reach that far"?