General Context Regarding Every Sentence: 蛍(mc of show) just moved from Tokyo, to a small town and she doesn't know anyone real well. All of this is from the show のんのんびより.
Sentence Context: Parts of the school hallway floor is rotten and one girl(なつみ) jokingly tells 蛍 not to get to close to the damaged areas or else she may fall through.
Then なつみ subsequently says to 蛍:
To me, this one seems like I could interpret it as either:
So far, there isn't an idiot that's fallen through the floor... (with emphasis/explanation added)
It is said that, "so far there isn't an idiot that's fallen through the floor."
Previous dialogue leading up to the upcoming sentence in question:
Sentence Context: 蛍 dropped her house key on the ground and someone asks her why she has a key in such a small town.
蛍 tries to explain by saying:
This one I honestly have no clue what the って is doing here at all.
My guesses are:
- There won't be anyone at home till' tonight so I was told, "bring your key"
- There won't be anyone at home till' tonight so I brought my key. (seems out of place from my understanding though)
Sentence Context: In this scene 蛍 is walking through the small town, with a few other girls. Looking troubled and not saying much, one girl asks her "どうしたの?".
蛍 replies with:
With this I'm thinking it could mean either:
- I was thinking, (this place) is really different from Tokyo.
- (This place) is really different from Tokyo. (emphasis/explanation added)
Any help regarding the understanding of って used in these sentences would be much appreciated. Thanks!