As for the sentence in question, 過去形 is simple past.
- I wonder how many years passed (have passed)
In the same I wonder sense of 過去形+ものか, a past tense can be used for something that hasn't happened yet, as in the following question and the linked one.
(A little superficial, but) It can be considered something like subjunctive in English.
- どうやって彼らを誤魔化したものか I wonder how I could deceive them?
- どう言い訳したものか I wonder how I could excuse?
To some extent, this is ambiguous. That is, 過去形+ものか can mean a thing that happened or haven't happened. For example, どう言い訳したものか in some contexts can mean I wonder how (someone else) explained (in the past).
At the bottom, ものか makes the question rhetoric. A J-E dictionary has the following:
I wonder whether I should go (or not).
I will never go there again./《俗》 I'll be damned if I go there again!
How would I know (such a thing)?
I agree that 現在形+ものか tends to mean 2, but it still depends on context.
- これがうまくいくものか、やってみなくてはわからない.
is #1 above and 'I wonder if it will work; I can't tell unless I actually try'.
is 'How can this work = Never!' and means #2.