I know that the potential form can take either が or を depending on the volition degree when it comes to godan and ichidan verbs
漢字を読める (high volition) or 漢字が読める (low volition)
My question is regarding the case when there is a noun followed by a 漢語名詞/する動詞. Is it correct to say 英語が勉強できる
? I am asking this because most examples online are using godan verbs like the previous example which I already know. Online, I would probably find a 英語を学べる
. I always catch myself using a normal verb because of not being so sure about this grammar point.
I also know that I can use the 名詞+が+できる
pattern as in 日本語ができる
, but does it mean that saying 英語が勉強ができる
is grammatically correct?
By the same logic, is it grammatically correct to say 英語を勉強をするのが好き
I came back to genki 2 after not finding a proper answer on 日本語文法辞典, and they say that using できる with を is a substandard use. That is a ambiguous. Does it mean sometimes people use it? Does it depend on the formality level of the conversation?
I also noticed that everytime I think of saying 名詞+漢語名詞
in the potential form, I tend to say 名詞+を+漢語名詞+できる
Example: 英語を勉強できる
Is it a real tendency I absorbed with immersion or is it a language bad habit?
A similar question has already been made but was not answered properly What is the difference between が(suru-verb)できる and を(suru-verb)できる?