At 2m56s of Death Note, a crime reporter says the following:
本日、午前十一時頃 神奈川県横浜市のアパートで、 30前後と見られ男性が、血まみれで死亡しているところとが見つかれ
which is translated to English as
At around 11 o'clock today, in the city of Yokohama, Kanagawa prefecture, a thirty year old man was found covered in blood at his apartment.
Though I think I understand what all of the words mean, I'm having considerable trouble understanding this sentence grammatically.
- The sentence is translated into English as having the passive past tense "a man...was found". But none of the verbs in this sentence are in the past tense?
I assume this phrase literally means something like: "believed-to-be around 30 (years of age) man".
- Why is と見られ being used in its stem form here? Does the stem form somehow convert a verb into an adjective?
- Why is the verb before 男性, instead of at the end of the clause? (I thought verbs always go at the end of clauses?)
- Is the と particle at the end of this being used as a quote particle (with 見つかれ)?
- What is the function of ところ? Is it modifying "死亡している" to mean "are dead at the spot", or is it modifying "見つかれ" to mean "were found at the spot"?
- Why is the ending verb in the imperative? This wouldn't be natural in English, since it sounds like its commanding the listener to find something, rather than reporting that something was found by other people.
NOTE: There is another question posted about this sentence, but is asking about different components of the sentence than I am.
-- The audio says ところが.