って can be for quotation or like topic marking right?

enter image description here


Deepl Translation: I'm happy just to have someone make me lunch.

If this is like a topic marking use of って which I think it is, then why is there no nominalization of もらう?  Is the casualness of って making it so nominalization is optional? Or is it a different use?


2 Answers 2


When ってだけでも is written down, it becomes というだけでも, which implies ということだけでも. だけ here means "only" and だけでも means like "enough only with something".

So, the given sentence represents like, "I'm already luck enough only with the fact that お弁当作ってもらう, (but you're still surving me more.)"

It is similar to というだけで, which means "only because of the reason". They provide a minimum condition.


I guess your question is about the second って after もらう. This is a topic marking use as you said, but you missed that だけ nominalizes お弁当作ってもらう. I feel like it forms an adverb rather than a noun, though.





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