



86─エイティシックス─ 安里アサト

I get that the speaker apologized to the addressee but didn’t treat the addressee equally.

My questions are:

  1. Can we use その上 here? Both その上で and その上 mean "in addition to that", it appears. Or are there any difference between them?
  2. What is the function of the だ? Why is it used alone there?
  • 2
    This sentence is a strong and masculine-sounding "With that being said". For this だ, see: japanese.stackexchange.com/q/58949/5010 It emphasizes その上, i.e., the speaker wants to emphasize he is fully aware of what he has said so far.
    – naruto
    Commented Apr 18, 2022 at 1:01

1 Answer 1


その上 and その上で overlap, but have slight difference.





So その上 is in addition and その上で is given that/this information/situation. The two may be interchangeable in certain cases, but in the sentence of the question, no. It means Given that we are sorry, or essentially although we are sorry about that.

だ simply ends the sentence. Just using "その上で," would sound continuing the sentence. Here "その上で、だ" can be translated as but, and the difference of "その上で、だ" and "その上で" may be comparable to a single emphasized But. and a normal but.... Edit: as noted by naruto in the comment, this だ can be considered as an emphasis, but the overall interpretation should be the same.

For example of その上で/その上:

  • 彼は3年ドイツ語を勉強している。その上で今度ドイツに留学することにしたそうだ。 He's been learning German for three years. Now (with those learning as a basis) he's going to Germany for study.
  • 彼は3年ドイツ語を勉強している。その上今度はフランス語の勉強を始めた。 ... Now he started to learn French (in addition).

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