I am having trouble parsing the following long sentence:
I can't figure out if the clause
is modifying 日本人 or 日本人の「もの」, i.e. whether it's
A: 日本の伝統の力と新しい技術と芸術的センスを融合させた ( 日本人の「もの」)
B: ( 日本の伝統の力と新しい技術と芸術的センスを融合させた日本人 ) の「もの」
My translation attempts are:
A) The power of Japanese tradition, new technologies and artistic taste integrated into the things of Japanese people.
B1) The-power-of-Japanese-tradition-new-technologies-and-artistic-taste-integrated Japanese people's things. (の acting as a possesive conjuction)
B2) The-power-of-Japanese-tradition-new-technologies-and-artistic-taste-integrated Japanese people, [does some stuff with] things. (の is replacing が in a relative clause)
For God's sake, I can't even make sense of my attempted translations when I read them again. Which is the case, A, B1, B2 or maybe I am outright misunderstanding something here and neither is the case?
I am more inclined to the option B2 because it makes more sense in the context of the overall sentence: "It could be said that the word ものづくり deeply expresses [how] Japanese people put their feelings [i.e. their feelings related to how all that stuff is integrated in them] into things", where the の in 日本人の「もの」に対する気持ち would function as a が. But I am very unsure.