In the sentence,


why is を used? Wouldn't it be に?


I thought the verb was intransitive, so I thought it would be が maybe. "the test was passed" ?

Any helpful explanations?


1 Answer 1


It's challenging to provide an exhaustive answer for your question. I recommend you leverage the existing posts in this forum explaining the basics, and supplement with these examples tailored for you:

In the sentence, 毎日、この道を通ります。 why is を used?

Example to use を - 1

  • Question E: what are you walking on (top of)?
  • Question J: 何(の上) walking していますか?

  • Answer E: I am walking on (top of) the 道.
  • Answer J: 道(の上) walking しています。

Example to use を - 2

  • Question E: what are you searching for?
  • Question J: 何 searching していますか?

  • Answer E: I am searching for the 道.
  • Answer J: 道 searching しています。

Example to use に - 1

  • Question E: what are you angry at?
  • Question J: 何 angry ですか?

  • Answer E: I am angry at the 道.
  • Answer J: 道 angry です。

Example to use に - 2

  • Question E: where are you throwing against?
  • Question J: どこ throwing してますか?

  • Answer E: I am throwing against the 道.
  • Answer J: 道 throwing しています。

Consider using when pointing to a target. Shout against, scream towards, ask a question to, etc. There are exceptions, but it's a good starting point.

Also, 試験に通る I thought the verb was intransitive, so I thought it would be が maybe.

This is a brilliant obvservation. If we were to use , it would mean:

  • J: 試験通る
  • E: 試験 is passing by (as in, "Mr. 試験 is passing by your desk")

So it's simply wrong unless you're talking about an entity called 試験 who is actually passing by.

Let's remember the tip: "Consider using when pointing to a target".

The target here is 試験. When we say "passed the exam", what did we do (verb) against the exam?

  • We did not: "pass against the exam".

  • We: "accomplished a result of passing, against the exam".

Therefore, the verb is not 通る. Accomplish (e.g. 結果を出す) is the hidden verb.

  • 試験に 通過するという 結果を出す。
  • Against (the target which is) exam, pass is the result I delivered.

↓ people like to cut down components, resulting with...

  • 試験に 通過す(という結果を出す)
  • I passed the exam.

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