I was reading the web when I found this 侵入された, that was the only thing that stood there, alongside a cute GIF that may give more context. It's these one word sentences that are the hardest for me. I found it in a tweet: https://twitter.com/tengnose1988/status/1488769054512848901.

I read from here https://www.weblio.jp/content/%E4%BE%B5%E5%85%A5%E3%81%95%E3%82%8C%E3%82%8B that 侵入された can be 受身 and 自発 (I don't think the two other ones fit in this context).

I know that 自発 is mostly used with verbs of feelings like 感じられる and 思える but according to a book I was reading not too long ago (Making sense of Japanese), things like 取れた and 釣れた also show spontaneity and those aren't verbs that has to do with feelings.

X was invaded

X spontaneously/couldn't help invading?

Which is the most likely to be right one. I'm assuming that maybe the tweet builds up on prior knowledge of something that I don't have?

1 Answer 1


侵入された can only be 受身. The latter description in the second link is just explaining 助動詞 れる itself.

P.S. I'm not familiar with this content but it seems five girls are characters of "holoX", and their base(?) was invaded by the man "YAGOO", who produced these contents.

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