I am not 100% sure that I get the difference between あります and です.

I understand parts of it, for example "わたしはマルクスです" using あります doesn't make sense for me here as I think it is more of a "there is" word.

But in this sentence I am not sure about the difference, or how it would translate

ほんは つくえの うえに あります


ほんは つくえの うえに です

Does it translate differently and if it does, how?


1 Answer 1


I would use 'desu' when equating things.

The book is red. (本は赤いです。)

I would not use 'desu' in your example for the book existing on the desk. In that case 'aru' (or 'iru' for a living thing) is used.

*bonus point: When introducing oneself, it is not usual to start with わたしは as it is understood you are talking about yourself. It would be added at the beginning of sentences where you want the nuance of 'As for me...'

*bonus point: Men generally introduce themselves using 'ぼく' or 'おれ' nowadays and avoid 'わたし'

  • 1
    hmm, would you use aru if responding to a question as well? ほんは どこ ですか
    – munHunger
    Dec 5, 2021 at 11:54
  • 1
    Yes. If you are asking the location where it 'exists', then I would use the verb 'aru'. If you are asking whose it is, what color it is, etc., then I would use 'desu'. Dec 5, 2021 at 12:01
  • 1
    @munHunger ほんはどこですか ← Of course you can respond つくえのうえです  。
    – chocolate
    Dec 5, 2021 at 13:34
  • 2
    rarely heard any man at work use わたし ... even われ was more common than わたし -- 😲 どちらの地方ですか? こちらでは「われ」は「you」の意味で使われます😁
    – chocolate
    Dec 6, 2021 at 0:32
  • 3
    ^ 一人称は「[われ]{HL}」、二人称は「[ワレ]{LH}」で、二人称の「ワレ」は使い方に注意が必要です😁 youtu.be/HLLTi8l3Kyo?t=166
    – chocolate
    Dec 6, 2021 at 9:12

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