There's this speech in the 2nd season of Kobayashi's Maid Dragon, I know it's just chuuni speak, but there's a part of it that I can't parse at all. Here's the full speech:
外法をもって これを最上とすべし
願うは豊穣(ほうじょう) 品足る礼賛
我が魔は泥として広がり 穢(けが)れを
我が理(ことわり)は浸食し 狂気の氾濫(はんらん)を
This phrase: 願うは豊穣(ほうじょう) 品足る礼賛
doesn't even look like a sentence to me, so can anyone help me break it down, at least structure-wise?
EDIT: Someone asked me to add my own interpretation so I will give it a go.
Looking at it again, could it be that the 足る is the same たる as in ~たる者 patterns? I looked through Tsubasa Web Corpus and I can actually find some examples of sentences like: 国民の代表足る者がこの品性の無さは正直、恥ずかしいですね。
So breaking it down, maybe it's something like this:
願うは豊穣品 足る 礼賛
A worship befitting for a wish of a gift of abundance
Never mind 願うは豊穣品
is not nominalized, so that can't be it. So maybe:
願うは 豊穣品|足る|礼賛 (my wish is a praise of abundance gift)
@aguijonazo What would品足る礼賛
mean in this context?