There's this speech in the 2nd season of Kobayashi's Maid Dragon, I know it's just chuuni speak, but there's a part of it that I can't parse at all. Here's the full speech:

外法をもって これを最上とすべし
願うは豊穣(ほうじょう) 品足る礼賛
我が魔は泥として広がり 穢(けが)れを
我が理(ことわり)は浸食し 狂気の氾濫(はんらん)を

This phrase: 願うは豊穣(ほうじょう) 品足る礼賛 doesn't even look like a sentence to me, so can anyone help me break it down, at least structure-wise?

EDIT: Someone asked me to add my own interpretation so I will give it a go.

Looking at it again, could it be that the 足る is the same たる as in ~たる者 patterns? I looked through Tsubasa Web Corpus and I can actually find some examples of sentences like: 国民の代表足る者がこの品性の無さは正直、恥ずかしいですね。

So breaking it down, maybe it's something like this:

願うは豊穣品 足る 礼賛 A worship befitting for a wish of a gift of abundance

Never mind 願うは豊穣品 is not nominalized, so that can't be it. So maybe:

願うは 豊穣品|足る|礼賛 (my wish is a praise of abundance gift)

  • 1
    I think you're gathering "close" votes out of concern that this is effectively asking for us to translate for you. Could you show some of your own attempt at translating this? Even just to list the meanings of the constituent terms? Commented Nov 2, 2021 at 23:23
  • I think it consists of two parts, 願うは豊穣 and 品足る礼賛.
    – aguijonazo
    Commented Nov 2, 2021 at 23:30
  • I think it's just 願うのは, I see this zero-nominalization with verbs happen in ことわざ. Like kotowaza-allguide.com/ki/kikanuwaissyounohaji.html
    – OtheJared
    Commented Nov 3, 2021 at 2:01
  • 1
    @EiríkrÚtlendi Added my interpretation
    – what the
    Commented Nov 3, 2021 at 11:22
  • @OtheJared Not sure what you mean, what I'm confused about is the parts other than the 願うのは @aguijonazo What would 品足る礼賛 mean in this context?
    – what the
    Commented Nov 3, 2021 at 11:25

1 Answer 1


It's probably two "sentences":

  • 願うは豊穣。
    It's fertility that I with for.
    (The archaic version of 願うのは豊穣(だ))
  • 品足る礼賛。
    Adoration for things/goods/merchandise being abundant!
    (So-called 呼体句/体言止め; semantically something like 品が足ることを礼賛しよう)

The word after 品 is unlikely to be the auxiliary たる because 品である礼賛 makes even less sense to me (but you may want to refer to the original comic). Note that the auxiliary たる has nothing to do with 足る, so that 代表足る者 is a plain typo. If the kanji 足 is used, it surely is a verb meaning "to be sufficient/enough".

  • @aguijonazo 「しな」です。2期第1話なのでAbemaでもアマプラでも無料で配信されています。これの6分あたりです。例のオムライスの話だと分かっていてもなお、ぶっちゃけ後半何が言いたいのかよく分かってないです。中二心が足りない…。
    – naruto
    Commented Nov 4, 2021 at 7:46

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