Searching the meaning of まだしも in a Japanese-Japanese dictionary called "三省堂 スーパー大辞林", the following definition (with examples) came up:


In an attempt to translate the text in bold, I came up with "If anything, rather" which makes no sense. Consulting Google Translate (which, I know, is known to be unreliable sometimes) gave similar results.

I pretty much know what まだしも means after searching different sources, but I still have no idea what どちらかといえばむしろ is.

  • 2
    どちらかといえば means the same as どちらかというと. This is related: question + と言うと For むしろ, this might help: What is the difference between むしろ and かえって?
    – aguijonazo
    Commented Nov 2, 2021 at 16:13
  • The version of スーパー大辞林 on my Mac has this easier-to-understand definition: 十分とはいえないが,他のものよりはましであるさま。ともかく。むしろ。「あやまるなら―,開き直って言い返してきた」「雨ならば,―雪の方がありがたい」
    – aguijonazo
    Commented Nov 2, 2021 at 23:40

1 Answer 1


Thanks to the comments, this finally clicked for me. どちらかといえば (if anything) + むしろ (A rather than B) = if anything, A rather than B. In hindsight, this was really straightforward.

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