The first いう is originally 言う, but this ていう/という is almost a fixed particle used to join two phrases and make the first modify the second. AというB is "B called A", "B known as A", "B of A", "B that is A", etc. Since it's a function word rather than an ordinary verb, it's almost always written in hiragana. The second 言う is literally "say".
- 消防士という仕事
the job known as firefighter
- リーダーを補佐するという役割
the role of supporting the leader
- 彼が試験に合格したというニュース
news that that he passed the exam
- "comprised of" という言い方をする
to use the expression "comprised of"
We often use such a phrase as "Because everyone else has it" or "Everyone says so", right?