受付の人に質問したいことはあります。 I want to ask a question to the person at the desk. How do you ask a question to the person at the desk in Japanese?
Answer: うかがいたいんですが。 I like to ask you something (I am talking to the person at the desk, telling them that I want to ask them a question)
I wanted to ask the different between 尊敬語 (respectful) and 謙譲語 (humble). Why is the humble version used in the above sentence? (うかがいたいんですが) Is it because the person at the desk is part of the speakers 'group'?
What if someone is not in the person's groups? Would the answer be お聞きになります? (I like to ask you a question)
Also, what defines someone as not in a group? If I went to a counter in a department store or a company I was interviewing for, what would be used in those circumstances?