Found this sentence:


That に in 「悲しもうとすらしない俺に向けられる目が」is acting as the indirect object or is it marking the doer? Since it's a passive sentence.

1 Answer 1


This ~に is marking the target/destination of the 目. ~に used in a passive construction does not necessarily mark the doer (agent).

stares cast to me
(not "stares cast by me")

Now you may be wondering if に in a passive sentence can be ambiguous. The answer is yes. See the following questions:

  • I still don't understand why 向ける is passive here. Will 俺に向ける目 also work? Can you write 俺に向けられる目 as a non-passive sentence?「Xが目を俺に向ける」とか
    – Jimmy Yang
    Commented Aug 6, 2021 at 7:13
  • 1
    @JimmyYang XをYに向ける means "to direct X to Y". Naturally, its passive version is XがYに向けられる ("X is directed to Y"), and its relativized version is Yに向けられるX ("X which is directed to Y"). 俺に向ける目 is "stares [someone] casts to me", which is grammatical but defeats the main purpose of passive voice here. Do you remember "suffering passive"?
    – naruto
    Commented Aug 6, 2021 at 7:19

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