I know that when ~上{じょう} is attached to nouns, it will mean something among lines of
From the viewpoint of; for (the sake of); for (the reason); in (terms of); relating to; in –ing
according to DoIJG. But, can ~上{じょう} vs ~の上{うえ} used interchangeably with no difference in meaning? The example sentences in the dictionary entry for ~上 didn't include ~の上.
I found this example sentence from goo.ne.jp.
They disagreed about their work.
If I replace ~の上 with ~上,
does the meaning of this sentence change or it remains the same?
The reason I'm asking this question is sometimes I am not sure if it is always appropriate to apply the meaning of ~上{じょう} to ~の上{うえ}. For example, from One Piece chapter 1,
Based on my understanding, 酒の上のケンカ means "fight relating to drinks" or "fight about drinks." This is true if I apply the meaning of ~上{じょう} to ~の上{うえ}. I wonder if my intuition is correct here.
Is there any difference between ~上{じょう} and ~の上{うえ}?