Hi can someone help me to figure out what that に in 朝起きて一番に is doing? I´m confused. is it indicating an absolute time, or is it making it an adverbial for what comes next? and also, all the て forms is the connective -and-?


  • 2
    一番に is just another way of saying 最初に.
    – Will
    Apr 3, 2021 at 0:37
  • 1
    This may help clarify things in regards to the て form usage and its relation to and
    – Mindful
    Apr 3, 2021 at 0:52
  • 1
    so 一番に is an adverbial like 最初に?
    – Pazispeace
    Apr 3, 2021 at 1:37
  • btw thanks for your help
    – Pazispeace
    Apr 3, 2021 at 1:37

1 Answer 1


This 一番に is an adverb that means "first(ly)". に is a particle that makes the previous word adverbial. For example 永遠 means "eternity" and 永遠に means "eternally". 元気 means "energy/spirit" and 元気に means "energetically". Likewise, 一番 means "number one" or "the first/top", and 一番に is its adverbial version.

Those te-forms are just connecting several actions, namely 起きる, 集まる, and (太極拳を)する.

  • 彼は一番に到着した。
    He arrived first. / He was the first to arrive.
  • 朝起きて一番に中庭に集まって家族みんなで太極拳をします。
    The first thing my family do in the morning is gather in the courtyard and do tai chi together.

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