What would be the function of the bold も?
見るも is better remembered as a fixed adverbial idiom "patently", "manifestly" but usually qualifies what is shocking at first glance.
This phrase cooccurs with following adjectives across the BCCWJ:
word | count |
無残/無惨/無慙/無ざん/むざん | 32 |
哀れ/あわれ | 7 |
恐ろしい/おそろしい | 5 |
おぞましい | 4 |
痛々しい | 3 |
あさましい | 1 |
嫌 | 1 |
悲しい | 1 |
きれい | 1 |
燦爛 | 1 |
獰猛 | 1 |
悲惨 | 1 |
まばゆい | 1 |
まぶしい | 1 |
みじめ | 1 |
(Edit: a few additions during a more complete query.)
So that 見るも巨大な could be translated "awfully massive" or "monstrously huge".
This grammar belongs to the historical 連体形準体法, attaching nominal particles directly to a verb, from the time when today's dictionary form represented some sort of participle. It is only surviving in proverbs and a few fixed expressions, such as [verb] + には, [verb] + がいい, and 思うに/言うに...