The dialogue in this picture is simple enough for me up until 一歩も歩けん. The first half makes me expect the whole sentence to be 一歩も引かない but the sentence as a whole confuses me.

enter image description here

What is this 歩けん especially? Why does it end in ん? Google didn't offer much help either. Also, 血よこせ should be 血をよこせ right? But I get the feeling the を was omitted intentionally. Is omitting を in such obvious and informal cases(it's obvious they're demanding blood so the sentence is understandable) a form of acceptable grammar or is it simply wrong(on purpose or not)?

  • @naruto Maybe this Is verb ending ない shortened to ん?? Sorry! My bad! I simply searched for "ん negation" and copied & pasted Chocolate's duplicate suggestions under the first post that came up without reading their content carefully.
    – Eddie Kal
    Commented Jan 13, 2021 at 3:45

1 Answer 1


歩けん is a variant of 歩けない ("I can't walk"). Usually a small girl doesn't use this form because it sounds a little old-fashioned or dialectal. Maybe the speaker is an old vampire or someone playing the role of it?

The omission of を is very common in colloquial Japanese. There is nothing special.

  • That's definitely it. The character is a vampire so that supports your answer even more.
    – usagimaru
    Commented Jan 13, 2021 at 3:57

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