I frequently saw or heard the word "から" in some Japanese TV shows, I know the word basically means "since" or "from", but it seems can't always be translated like that.

Here's a sentence from the caption of a Japanese TV show:

"ここは もう 何年も 使ってない部屋らしいからねぇ。"

The English translation is "It seems that this room hasn't been used for years."

The meaning "since" or "from" all don't match the translation, so what exactly does "からねぇ" mean in this sentence?

  • 1
    Maybe this: japanese.stackexchange.com/questions/58108/… Commented Jan 5, 2021 at 15:43
  • @user3856370 Thanks for sharing the link, the answers in that page are exactly what I was looking for. I think that's the correct answer to my question. Thank you so much! Commented Jan 6, 2021 at 6:32
  • @Eddie Kal , yes, it does, I had confirmed in the comment above. Commented Jan 7, 2021 at 5:22
  • Oh that was a system auto-generated comment from my duplicate suggestion. I didn't even notice that comment was posted. Once you confirm the duplicate, the comment will automatically disappear. Voila.
    – Eddie Kal
    Commented Jan 7, 2021 at 5:24
  • @Eddie Kal , oh I see. Now I've confirmed the duplicate. Commented Jan 7, 2021 at 5:27


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