役員退職慰労引当金……役員の退職慰労金の支給に備えるため、内規に基づく 期末要支給額を計上しております。

My understanding: Provision for retirement benefits for officers... In order to prepare for the payment of retirement benefits for officers, the company recognizes the amount required to be paid at the end of the period in accordance with the internal regulations.

1 Answer 1


I think 「期末{きまつ}」 in finance means the end of an accounting year or accounting period. 「期末要支給額」is a fixed finance term that means "accrued benefits at the end of year." As per this EY Japan (accounting firm) page:


The 「期」in「期末」refers to an accounting period/会計期間{かいけいきかん} which is usually a year. Thus, 「期末」refers to the end of that period.


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