「キラキラ」 appears in the famous song 「Twinkle Twinkle Little Star(きらきら星)」:

きらきらひかる お空の星よ

While 「ピカピカ」 appears in Christmas Song 「Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer(赤鼻のトナカイ)」:

暗い夜道は ピカピカのお前の鼻が役に立つのさ

I wonder if they are interchangeable in the above and the following cases:

鏡・まど・海・星・ダイヤモンド が ピカピカ・キラキラする


1 Answer 1


They aren’t interchangeable. ピカピカ represents multiple light emission beyond intervals or that something is so clean that it reflects light, while キラキラ stands for something pleasantly glaring.

So, 鏡/窓/ダイアモンドがピカピカ implies that someone cleaned it. 海/星がピカピカ tells that something odd is happening.

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