When linking adjectives, you can either use 読点(、) or て-form. So I could write the following sentence in two ways:

The peacock expanded its long, beautiful tail like a fan.

I'd like to know the difference between these two sentences. I've heard that using the comma sounds more formal, but I was wondering if there was a difference in meaning as well. I'd also like to know if its possible to use more than 2 adjectives with the 読点 and if it is possible to use な-adjs with 読点.

For example is it possible to replace this sentence:


with this?:


That second sentence does sound very odd to me, so if it's incorrect, is there a different way to do it, or do 形容動詞 require で when linked (even with 読点)?

1 Answer 1


Using the i-form (usually with a comma) for this purpose sounds more literary than you might be thinking. It's not "simply formal". It's even a little verse-like to me. You can use this pattern sparingly when you want to describe something dramatically or oratorically, but you should not overuse it. Your last sentence is perhaps okay in a melodrama or a dramatic wedding speech, but I think it's unrealistic in an ordinary conversation.

If you feel like avoiding te-forms and want to make the sentence "simply formal", consider using かつ instead.

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