その 会社は 欧米に 進出しているよね。
How would each of these sentences fit in a conversation? Ne & yone are very nuanced so surrounding context would help me understand their purposes, thank you.
The concept expressed by 「ね」 and 「よね」 are similar, they're both used
Sentence Ending Particles: ね, よ, and よね
But, there's surely some difference:
Basically, 「よね」is used instead of 「ね」
As for your question,
Might be used when you and your close friends are shopping and occasionally pick up a book which is being discussed a lot lately, and you are sure that it is 「最近話題の本」, and you are Seeking the Listeners’ Agreement or Confirmation.
As for
その 会社は 欧米に 進出しているよね。
You and your close friend are talking about a 「会社」, and you think it's 欧米に 進出している now, but you are not quite sure about it, so you add 「よね」 to 確認, ask for confirmation.