Could you please tell me what kind of relation has ~てまでも with ~ないまでも?
(They appear in the same section of my textbook as if they were closely related to each other)
Thank you so much in advance for your help!
I think they are not closely related except that both contain までも. 明鏡国語辞典 describes 13 different usages of まで. This Vないまでも is described under category 🈔, subcategory ④, sub-subcategory ㋑. Vてまでも is under 🈔, ①.
🈔① 極端なものを例示して、他はましてと暗示する。「君まで僕を疑うのか」「親にまで見かぎられるとは」「こんな苦労をしてまでも生きねばならないのか」
(... 6 other definitions ...)